Angelina Vanessa i think (and hope) that nothing bad happened at @Lea, i think if she would have gotten a chastity bra or tighbands, she would have already written here π
Angelina Lea I'm very sorry π unfortunately i'm not sure why i feel sorry for you as i don't know exactly what it's about, a little more detail would be very helpful
Vanessa Lea So you got a chastity bra?Very sorry for you!π What would be the rules for it? Was it due to the fact you liked to show a bit your hard nipples? Laura and Angelina Probably the chastity bra,it was what we discussed about with her,recently.
Lea Laura Just bra, parents think thighbands are not neccessary for me at the moment. Angelina Vanessa Yeah i got chastity bra because of my "nipples issue"... I though my parnets make me funny of it but no - they decided to buy me bra. From their opinion i should get chastity bra to be in full chastity :/
Angelina Vanessa unfortunately I think so too π but the answer of @Lea leaves much room for interpretation
Vanessa Angelina I hope she'll tell more about it,and we can try to help her. Achteon Welcome! Ines Right. Achteon Painful and dangerous for men;permanent wearing is not possible for them.
Achteon Hi, I am a guy interested in chastity for many years and I discovered this forum today, I must confess I spent a lot of time reading it π.
Achteon Interested in the fact a person canβt cum, especially guys because I am gay, I also like the idea of enforced chastity
Achteon VanessaThanks for the welcome, chastity is not necessarily permanent, actually I wear sometimes a cage and it is not so painful ; I read articles about the risks of chastity but I also read the contrary so if you let the guy sometimes free chastity could be a nice experiment, your mentioned your twin brother once in a while chastised and I guess it was harmless