Philip why do we not have more of them?

Because there are bunch of other places dedicated to these topics

    Laura But is it not human tendency to talk to your peers in a wider subject matter once you have found a common ground. Not everyone on this forum is going to be mutual member on different forum.

    Like how long can you keep harping on about the same subject. At some point it has to actually become boring and you have to explore different options to keep the conversation going.

      Philip Like how long can you keep harping on about the same subject.

      We are excellent harpers.

      Philip At some point it has to actually become boring and you have to explore different options to keep the conversation going.

      That is never a problem. In fact, periodically the moderator must tell us to shut up.

      Philip Not actual football

      Yes, it is.

      Part of it is probably anonymity.

      If I talk too much about any other subject, especially with respect to myself and not society in general, I risk giving away enough personal details to identify myself, and I really don't want to do that, no matter how much I like all of you and enjoy it here.

      Philip why do we not have more of them?

      because the main topic of the forum is chastity and chastity belts. new users should also be able to recognise this directly. i also like to talk in offtopic threads, but i think it should be a marginal phenomenon

        Markus No everyone has discord and the discord channels here are not exactly 100% affiliated with the forum.

          Sin Oh anything really, television, movies, books, games, sport, the phycology of cats, literally anything.


            the phycology of cats

            Cats are evil monsters driven entirely by malice for everything in the natural order. They've driven numerous species to endangerment and extinction in @Sin 's homeland.

              Markus This forum does have discord channels loosely linked to it but the discord channel's that have been linked to this forum were set up independently by members of this forum and not the creators of this forum.

              Philip No everyone has discord and the discord channels here are not exactly 100% affiliated with the forum.

              there are enough possibilities to chat about other things, you can do that via discord, or by mail, or in the offtopic threads 😉
              or are you thinking of a PM system? we've discussed this several times before. i personally don't think it's necessary, with the exception that i would like to have private messages with mods/admins



                This forum DOES NOT HAVE Discord channel.
                There is an INDEPENDENT DISCORD SERVER where a lot of users, are forum users too, BUT, this forum is not even remotely linked to any Discord server.
