Skin Issues When Wearing Belt
Sara it is a particular spot. It's on the back but to the sides. It could probably be described as a pressure point. The belt does stick all over but I don't get the spots anywhere else.
Angelina I did gain some weight that I'm now losing but the belt is adjustable so having it on the largest setting is "comfortable" to wear. I just don't want to be on the largest setting. I've already lost 7 lbs. I'm hoping to lose 5 more.
Angelina It is hard to bend a belt so that it fits perfectly. I had to make a special tool to make the bends in exactly the right place and the correct amount of bend. It is also necessary to match the radius of the bend with the radius of the underlying body. While I was fitting the belt, I put a piece of masking tape on the outside of the waist band so I could make pencil marks when the next bend needed to be.
A belt that fits when you're standing up won't necessarily fit when you're sitting down, and the area that is under pressure is likely not the issue. It might be the area that is affected but the strain is coming from somewhere else that needs adjusting.
Ines yep, when you sit your pelvic tilt lengthens the back line of your body (and consequently your chastity belt), so if it fits tightly when you're standing up it will put pressure on other areas when you are sitting. You can only bend and shape a chastity belt so much, at the end of the day it's a rigid structure and your pelvis is designed to move in three dimensions.
I've not had much success with rigid belts, we experimented with adapting a sliding front shield to a rigid bum strap but it ended up pinching in all the wrong places.
Maybe this is one for the "future of chastity belts" thread... Something that allows lengthening the back of the belt while still maintaining security at the front.
Sin The mullet belt. Security in the front, stretchiness in the back.
youdontknowme How does a mullet belt looks like?
I can't find any information about it.
Joh It was a joke... mullet is a haircut (Vokuhila)
it took me a few days, but the belt moulds to your body while you wear it.
i would recommend bending the belt again and again over several days (after wearing it for a long time), it will never be perfect because the body changes and it is different when sitting and lying down than when standing, but it will get better
Angelina Indeed, you are correct but I think it is more that your body adapts to the belt shape over time. You just have to bend the belt as close as you possibly can to the shape it needs to be and then adapt to that.
The best design is one that fits around the part of your body that changes the least as you change position. For me, that is a waistband that fits around my hips and has a dropped front.
The first time that pinched there, I saw Jesus.
I keep the silicone tubing around the short cable that runs from the shield to the rear opening now.
So chastity belt really helps in improving religious sentiment
Tjc Indeed, you are correct but I think it is more that your body adapts to the belt shape over time. You just have to bend the belt as close as you possibly can to the shape it needs to be and then adapt to that.
interestingly, it even worked for someone like me who never liked wearing the belt, so it can't just be from the body but part of the truth must lie in the fit of the belt, otherwise I could have easily used body changes to cheat the belt
Angelina That is a good point. Belt wearing needs to be dynamic and the keyholder needs to keep an eye on the fit of the belt over time to be sure the fit has not changed. The idea that you could cheat the belt with body changes is an interesting one. Do you think it would have been noticed if you had tried that?
It is very painful, yes I have the tubes and clips that theorically make more solid the cables and avoid it, but at least, for me it is pinchy. Much more than the NS belt.
I had no skin issues thankfully.
I just found Body Glide in the bike section of Walmart. A small stick was only $10. This stuff feels amazing.