Vanessa Self control can be enough for it

And how successive did you do it?


    Not too badly.

    I was not an "easy girl",but I had a few short relationships,willingly.

      Vanessa I was not an "easy girl",but I had a few short relationships,willingly.

      But you wrote another, that too many partners was the reason of your belt.


        My parents have not the same opinion than me about what is too many!😉

        Mainly,they think I should be confident a boyfriend/girlfriend could be "the good one" before starting to date him/her(and I need their approval);dating someone I met at a party,while I didn't know him/her before,was not very appreciated.It didn't mean he/she can not be approved(such decision is mainly based on a talk they had with him/her),but they can show me they don't appreciate my behavior,even if he/she was accepted.

        19 days later




        I think chastity belts are very "useful" at parties.It isn't very uncommon to have sex at parties.But it is even more "useful" for Christmas parties,sure.

        Renita I will have Christmas Party 😃

        Me too!🙂

        Have fun;as much as you now can!😉

          Vanessa Have fun;as much as you now can!

          First time I have it with belt on 🙂


            it is one of the few situations where you can be happy to wear a cb 😉 especially when you are drunk


              It would a different experience,and maybe a more chaste one!😉


              Well,I don't say I'm happy about it.I've only been drunk a couple times(and happily didn't have sex while drunk),but I already had sex at parties,and it can be very exciting and pleasant!

              Especially if it is a friend with a big house who do it,with bedrooms open(and the keys on the lock),if some couples(even new ones)need to isolate some time...

                Vanessa Especially if it is a friend with a big house who do it,with bedrooms open(and the keys on the lock),if some couples(even new ones)need to isolate some time...

                Seems you have a great experience in it 😂

                  Laura Seems you have a great experience in it 😂

                  Not surprising,I guess!😉

                  Yes,I've used it a few times,sometimes with a current boyfriend/girlfriend,and,rarely,with a partner I met at the party(even if I generally still date after it,I've not had much one night stands;but a few ones).

                  I did it with Emilie too,even if she was the only one to orgasm,obviously.

                  It is pretty exciting to have sex when our friends(and a lot of people)are partying so close...But we must be prepared to be teased,if we've been noticed when we go in it and close the door,or when we goes out of such bedrooms!😉


                    but you were also a pretty bad girl 😉 maybe the cb was a good choice after all 🤣

                    i personally don't like this kind of sex, but everyone has to decide for themselves

                      Probably I'm too old fashioned. But having sex at a party where you met for the first time is beyond my comprehension. Especially not being too drunk.


                        you're not old-fashioned 😉

                        for me it is also incomprehensible and I am 12 years younger than you 😉