Sorry for jumping back in the thread a bit, but I was curious about a different detail...
milkymilo Thats where we learnt the anal rings were not a great idea for me anyway.
I was first puzzled about that comment, but from context I deduced that you meant the somewhat circular "rear shield" as a feature of some chastity belts. So that one doesn't seem to work well for you, but what configuration do you use instead?
If I didn't miss anything else, Fancy Steel seems to offer rear configurations with a single wire in the crack of your butt, or two wires going over your buttocks - the latter reminding of a rather classical belt design where chains where used. Both seem to have drawbacks, like you sit on the the double wires which sounds uncomfortable, and the single wire would get in the way of #2 bathroom business. (But since they are still offered, I guess some people don't seem to mind.)
From my understanding, the most popular configuration seems to be the rear shield, which may sit uncomfortably between the butt cheeks, but has fewer issues hygiene-wise. Since that doesn't seem to have worked for you, I'm curious what other option seems to fit your needs better.