Hi, I was inspired by one of the new posts. Do you have any expereience with dental braces?

I never did and Im happy for it!

Did you used braces or retainers?

A chastity friend once mentioned jokingly that her handsome orthodontist with his sophisticated accent was the first man to put steel on her that she couldn't remove.

    i had fixed metal braces for about 3 years. i got them when i was 14 and got them out when i was 17

    4 days later


    It’s funny that this subject would come up. I never wore braces myself, but I remember when I was in school and I would look at a classmate with braces, especially a female classmate, especially a female classmate who I found attractive.

    It provoked a broad spectrum of feelings; I felt an odd mixture of pity and envy knowing that she couldn’t remove them.

    At the same time, I felt as though the classmate wearing the braces might be slightly cooler or more privileged than I.

    It’s possible that dental braces may have played some role, however small, in leading me into the chastity subculture.

    6 days later

    I had a mix of metal braces and retainers. Must be around 2007 to 2009 as far as I can think back. Since that, I had even more problems with my teeth.

    17 days later