Laura Very hot here now.

Yesterday and the last week it was warm, but not to hot. Last month it was very hot. As most houses in Germany ours has no air conditioning. I'm a bit jealous 😉

    Sara2001 As most houses in Germany ours has no air conditioning. I'm a bit jealous

    What don't your parent buy a window A/C, that could be used temporary during hot weather only?

      Laura Nobody has these things here. I only see them in supermarkets sometimes. It has nothing to do with money, it's just not common.

      In the past we didn't had these hot summers, but it looks like it is changing because of global warming.

      It's the second hot summers in a row.

      No A/C for me either,and it's going to be hot again this week in France...Second heat wave this Summer...

      In 2003,one of the hottest Summer we got in France,there was a strong heat wave in June and a second one in July,before the longest and hottest one in August(even if June 2019's one was hotter)...I hope it won't be similar this year!I've read a news about it recently...

      Global warming is probably linked to it and it's going to be worse...There should be more frequent and hot heat waves,maybe starting in May and able to happens until October and,in some of the worst cases scenarii,the temperature can reach 50°C or even more...


        now this is my first summer in chastity and it's true that you sweat a lot. unfortunately this also leads to skin problems.

        besides, in summer it is bad not to be able to decide freely about one's clothes, we always have to be careful that nobody sees anything

          Vanessa No A/C for me either,

          How come A/Cs are everywhere in Paris? I have never been in Germany, but I thought Paris is France.

            Laura How come A/Cs are everywhere in Paris? I have never been in Germany, but I thought Paris is France.

            Have you bin in privat Houses or just in Hotels? At least in Germany you can find them in almost any hotel. It's definitely not like in the US.

              Angelina Summer in chastity is way harder,yes,especially if it is a hot summer.

              Laura Not sure there is much in Paris...And yes,Paris is the capitale of France.

                Vanessa I meant Paris should not too different from the rest of France.
                Anyways, if an A/C is available in a local store or online, why not just buy it and eliminate all of these troubles.

                  Laura ok,sorry,I musunderstood.And you’re right.

                  My parents currently plan to install it in our house,but it will be a complete system,put on the walls, it is expensive and need to be done by professionnal...If they can afford it,it’ll probably be done this Autum or early next year.

                    Vanessa A cheap window A/C should be 100-150 EUR I suppose. And it doesn't require any professional installation, e.g. you just insert it into your window. You can throw it away once you have a central A/C in your house.

                      Laura A cheap window A/C should be 100-150 EUR I suppose. And it doesn't require any professional installation, e.g. you just insert it into your window. You can throw it away once you have a central A/C in your house.

                      I just checked Amazon. I only found vans in this price range. Nothing for a window. What do you mean with "you insert it to the window"? How can I insert something into glas?

                        Sara2001 I just checked Amazon.

                        I see 5000 BTU one for $150 at amazon US right now.

                        Sara2001 How can I insert something into glas?
                        You open or slide it first, then insert and fill the rest or a windows with something.

                          Laura You open or slide it first, then insert and fill the rest or a windows with something.

                          I find it on Amazon but its not deliverable and has no price. If I googled it it shows air conditions for 350 EUR and more.

                          You can't slide a German window and if you open it you have a whole of 1 square meter or more in your wall (3x4 ft). I think German windows are different than in the us. Or do you mean I should destroy the glas? We have these very energy efficient windows here with many layers of glass.


                            hi sara,

                            I don't know in which part of Germany you live but at and it is 38 degrees Celsius, in my equipment it is very unpleasant 🙁


                              Is that as bad for you as it is for me?

                              I would love to tear everything down because I am so hot but I have not even the enrgie to rebel

                                Angelina I would love to tear everything down because I am so hot but I have not even the enrgie to rebel

                                Same for me. I don't know how people can work in offices without air conditioning. I had at least 3 liters of water today and took an additional shower in the afternoon. I will take one more before I go to bed.


                                  good idea where I already sweated again after the shower, have really no more energy but next week it should be better