
Is that as bad for you as it is for me?

I would love to tear everything down because I am so hot but I have not even the enrgie to rebel

    Angelina I would love to tear everything down because I am so hot but I have not even the enrgie to rebel

    Same for me. I don't know how people can work in offices without air conditioning. I had at least 3 liters of water today and took an additional shower in the afternoon. I will take one more before I go to bed.


      good idea where I already sweated again after the shower, have really no more energy but next week it should be better

      Sara2001 if you open it you have a whole of 1 square meter or more in your wall (3x4 ft).

      Have you ever seen air conditioning in the windows? How can you be at this temperature without air conditioning?

        Renita Have you ever seen air conditioning in the windows? How can you be at this temperature without air conditioning?

        Not in Germany. I have only seen this window air conditions in movies from the US. It looks like the American windows are splitted in many small windows and you can replace one of the glasses for the air conditioning.

        Germany windows look and work different. We only have one big window and you can fully open it. Then the whole is big enough forr a baby elephant to enter.

        The air conditioning I've seen in Germany all have an extra whole in the wall.

        Normally it's not that hot in the summer, at least in the past. That's why air conditioning is still very uncommon here even in offices or supermarkets. You slowly see more and more of them, but very slowly.


          today it was very bad in the heat . I could hardly sit on a place and am constantly back and forth gone.

          tonight I couldn't take any more showers and asked my father if he could unlock me so that I could shower completely and thoroughly.

          it was indeed under his supervision but nevertheless very beautiful 🙂

          now i'm sweating again and i can't sleep today and the last nights 🙁

            Angelina Same here, we have something between 25 and 30 degrees and it's close to midnight.

            I just took another shower but the sweating will never end 🙁


              it's only supposed to get so hot tomorrow, then better from saturday on.
              head up girls it will soon be better at least in germany

                I have read the news about record heat in Europe. Well it's also around 30 here, but usual for this season.
                And 22 in the room 😃

                Angelina it's only supposed to get so hot tomorrow, then better from saturday on.
                head up girls it will soon be better at least in germany

                Last night was so bad! I had almost no sleep the whole night. Down there it was itchy the whole night.

                I hate these thing bands so much and can't even imagine how it would be with a chastity bra.

                At least tomorrow morning the tight bands will be removed for the day, I'm looking so forward to this moment. 🙁


                  yes last night was the horror, I hardly slept because I sweated so much and the sweating caused a bad itching which I could not alleviate.

                  tonight it becomes unfortunately also extremely hot 🙁

                  yes I am happy for you if you get the tightbands back. I have the unfortunately 24/7 🙁 but if e is no longer so hot it will hopefully be more pleasant

                    Two continents, two different worlds, really.

                      Angelina Around 30 outside, but since we have air conditioners everywhere, no sweating or other negative effects. I only care how to hide my belt under summer clothes.

                      Angelina but if e is no longer so hot it will hopefully be more pleasant

                      I just checked the weather forecast. It looks like from Wednesday on it gets colder. Around 23 degrees. Just 5 more days 🙁

                        yes unfortunately it will remain still so hot at the weekend 🙁

                        but we will keep it cool in Germany as well 😉

                          Angelina keep it cool in Germany as well 😉

                          Germany is cool in general 🤣

                          Except when it's not cool like these days 🙁


                            ausgerechnet jetzt wo ich die vollausstattung bekommen habe 🙁

                            just now when I got the full equipment 🙁

                            but maybe it will be easier for me when it gets cooler

                              Angelina just now when I got the full equipment

                              Let's see if things change after summer or you get so used to it that it is not the big problem that it is today anymore. Hopefully both 🙂