Vanessa Sorry for you!I hope you’ll manage to find a way to pleasure yourself again,even if it is more tight.
Vanessa Dilly Too bad!This chafing had very bad cosnequences for you,even if indirectly! Do you still manage wearing the belt not too hardly?
Vanessa Sara2001 I think she meant she hasn’t find a way to self pleasure,not that she still get chafing.
strictfather When you are without belt, what marks do you see on your skin? Do marks disappear after a while or do they remain? what you do to solve it?
Ines After a constant use, there is redness in the skin, and pressure marks, but at least for me is not painful. The most durable disappear after 3/4 hours.
Angelina yes one sees traces, that happens just if one carries it 24/7. if one daily ointment on it, it is not painful and the redness not so strongly
Laura I have another problem. I often wear nothing by belt when I'm home alone. As result the skin under belt and shield is lighter than around.
Angelina Laura well, it's no problem for me, on the one hand only my father and/or my grandmother can see me without a belt, on the other hand you can wear clothes over it. it is not pretty but not a dangerous problem 😉
Renita Angelina it is not pretty but not a dangerous problem So far, none of the strangers has paid attention to this. In a hospital, for example
Angelina Renita I don't think the people in the hospital will ask me, I get the feeling that there is no redness to be seen. i can explain the siluette (if someone asks what i don't believe) that i was on vacation and my bathing clothes were there 😉
Vanessa I have the chance to not mark much,little redness which disappear quickly or even no redness. Never been in trouble due to it.The bad part is I can't argue it hurts me too much or that it makes clear I wear a chastity belt to ask for taking it off or loosening it a bit.
Amira Angelina I take breaks and my skin sometimes gets bad on parts of the waistband, mostly above my hipbones, so I need time I think. then I think I better not tell them about this site!
Angelina Amira that's probably better 😉 because the skin problems can be alleviated or even completely prevented with ointment 😉