Sara2001 How expensive is a plastic belt? It could be a good solution for flights.
They are a little cheaper but not very much.
Sara2001 Can you do something without opening it or can you open it easily.
No, they are real cbs. The parts of the cbs are plugged together at the front and secured with 2 plug-in locks.
Renita You can cut in by scissors from any piece of plastic.
Definitely not. The plastic is not only too thick for scissors, it is a special plastic. It can withstand not only urine, but also strong mechanical forces. In addition, the plastic can be adapted to the body of the wearer even better than a cb made of metal. This means that you cannot get out of it without injuring the wearer (or the key). The plastic cb is therefore a fully functional cb, although not quite as resistant as a steel one, but lighter.