
yes, I know how difficult it is in France, thanks to you 🙁

in Germany it is usually the other way round more difficult if you only want a part-time job

    Vanessa Not paid enough to live on your own,even in a studio or similar?


    Angelina maybe you should get a full time job, then you can move out of your mother's house

    Fulltime jobs are rarely available or little better.

      24 days later


      Thank you.

      Christine My case is different since I'm free to move out.

      But you need some more money,right?

      After moving out,would your decision to stop wearing it would impact your relationship with your mother?Not damaging the relationship with our parents is often one of the reason we plan to obey their decision and wear it until married.

        Vanessa Not damaging the relationship with our parents is often one of the reason we plan to obey their decision and wear it until married.

        to be honest it wouldn't change for me either if I moved out 🙁

          Vanessa After moving out,would your decision to stop wearing it would impact your relationship with your mother?

          She will not be able to hold the keys if I move out.


            the difference that there would be is whether i would continue to receive financial support

            when i will study, i could move out and live with camryn. but as long as we are not married yet i still have to wear my equipment to get everything financed by my father

              Christine And yes, she said the secondary shield will stay on.

              I told you.

              Christine She will not be able to hold the keys if I move out.

              I don't see any reason she will not able to especially since you plan to move to "next door".

                Christine She will not be able to hold the keys if I move out.

                So,you would be free of the belt?Even if still unmarried?


                Even without the need of financial support,I think I would obey the rule about wearing it until mariage;I would be able to say stop,and live on my own(or with Emilie),but I don't want to break the relationship with my parents(even if it probably would not last after I marry,they would probably accept me again after it).


                  i think the same, i probably wouldn't do it if i were financially independent either, the relationship with my father is too important

                  but since i will probably get married during my studies, the question is currently irrelevant for me 😉

                    Angelina but since i will probably get married during my studies, the question is currently irrelevant for me 😉

                    Yes,in your case,you would not have to do this choice,sure.


                      exactly, at the moment it looks like that I will still be dependent on financial support after my wedding, so first comes my liberation and then my financial independence 😉

                        Vanessa So,you would be free of the belt?Even if still unmarried?

                        I think so. I wouldn't depend on her anymore.


                          I also think, otherwise the principle of a chastity belt would not make sense for her

                            Vanessa Are you ok to not be financially independant after being married?

                            yes it is ok for me, during my studies i might be able to support my father at work for a few hours a week and earn some money. i know what i am doing it for and i also know that i will have enough money for it later 😉