"Stolen" from https://www.worthychristianforums.com/topic/250528-jokes-to-share/?page=4&tab=comments#comment-3207070:

A local lumberyard was having an open house, and my mother really wanted to go. Dad, though, had no interest. After badgering him with no luck, she finally said, “If you don’t go, I’ll be the only woman there.” Dad shrugged. “If I go, you’ll still be the only woman there.”

This reminds me of an incident in my life. I went once to a discussion which involved the Equal Rights Amendment, among other things. Most of the people there were women, naturally, although there were a few men present. I felt uncomfortable being one of only a few men. I felt like I should have had a female escort. To protect me some how? I'm not quite sure what the feeling was all about, but I'm guessing it was pretty much the same as being the only person of my race, group, or gender in any situation.

    Rick, the event was opened to the public, so as long as there were no bans against males, it's ok to be present. Even few guys likes make up and nail polish, so they'll shop in the cosmetic aisle if they need to, there's no rules against that. When you find a place you want to be and there are no restrictions, take the chance and enjoy the event.

    Personally, I don't see issues with being mixed with genders, except for sporting events. I even use a female bathroom if the male's are locked, or the line is too long, because that's what the toilet is for. Although, there is a bathroom bill in Texas that states we'd be fine or jailed if caught, so screw it. If I need to go, its better than finding a tree outside.


      I would like to say something general about this

      i am always in favour of equality between men and women and can't stand men who are too dominant (at least if they make it too obvious)

      but we also have to say goodbye to the thought that dominance only comes from men. there are also dominant women who discriminate against men. i just wanted to say that 🙂

      Raziel Although, there is a bathroom bill in Texas that states we'd be fine or jailed if caught, so screw it. If I need to go, its better than finding a tree outside.

      I agree, and I have no problem with mixed toilets 🙂

        Angelina i am always in favour of equality between men and women and can't stand men who are too dominant (at least if they make it too obvious)

        Dominance by emotional manipulation or the threat of violence is a terrible thing in either gender. Traditionally, women have many times been "in control" of their husband, but by subtlety and with the man's tacit consent. Some of these relationships are healthy, the man recognizing his wife's greater social skills, while he still has the appearance of being "in charge". Similarly a woman might freely give her husband control. In either case, the "submissive" person must feel loved and respected at all times, or the relationship is toxic.

        I have always respected my female ancestors who showed independence beyond the social limits of the times. I was probably brought up more chauvinistic than I'm comfortable with. I do believe in male chauvinism in two places, the dance floor (man should lead, even if the woman is the better dancer) and the bedroom. But the bedroom is private, so it's a good place to reverse roles once in a while.

          Rick In either case, the "submissive" person must feel loved and respected at all times, or the relationship is toxic.

          at least the dominant part must know where the boundaries are

          Rick But the bedroom is private, so it's a good place to reverse roles once in a while.

          I guess everyone has a different opinion and preference there 😉

          3 months later