"Stolen" from https://www.worthychristianforums.com/topic/250528-jokes-to-share/?page=4&tab=comments#comment-3207070:
A local lumberyard was having an open house, and my mother really wanted to go. Dad, though, had no interest. After badgering him with no luck, she finally said, “If you don’t go, I’ll be the only woman there.” Dad shrugged. “If I go, you’ll still be the only woman there.”
This reminds me of an incident in my life. I went once to a discussion which involved the Equal Rights Amendment, among other things. Most of the people there were women, naturally, although there were a few men present. I felt uncomfortable being one of only a few men. I felt like I should have had a female escort. To protect me some how? I'm not quite sure what the feeling was all about, but I'm guessing it was pretty much the same as being the only person of my race, group, or gender in any situation.