Sooo tonight we were out at a pub for a friend's birthday, and as we were waiting for drinks I happened to glance up at the TV screen with all the betting stuff on it.
And then I saw it...
I had a little chuckle to myself because I immediately imagined Kaja's boyfriend doing unspeakable things. I mean, who names a horse that? And then I thought, f*** it, I'm gonna have a bet.
Now I should point out I'm totally against gambling, and especially racing animals for fun. I didn't even know if it was a horse or a hamster at this point (turns out it was a greyhound). I've never even had a bet before in my life, so I had to ask some crusty old booze hag to fill out the ticket for me.
And then I had to come up with an excuse as to why me of all people randomly threw $10 down on a dog race. ("I just like the name!").
So then we all sat around the TV screens screaming at a dog that couldn't even hear us, and wouldn't you know it, guess who came first? $35 thankyou very much All Over @Kaja!