1. True stories only. No fictions or fantasies
  2. No pornographic content is allowed
  3. Nude pictures must show worn chastity devices on 18+ only
  4. Topics with adult content must be tagged as "Adult"
  5. Non-related to chastity topics must be tagged as "Offtopic"
  6. Any kind of trolling is forbidden
  7. Attacking,insulting,degrading,and such hostile attitude towards other users is forbidden.
  8. Using multiple accounts simultaneously is forbidden.
  9. Discussion about the use of belts in underage people is not welcome in this forum. The opening of these threads will be subject to immediate moderation.
  10. Failure to abide by a moderator's warning will be cause for suspension.
  11. The language used should favor concord.
    Impoliteness and offensive expressions will be subject to suspension.
  12. This forum and its moderation team is not responsible for any kind of private messages that users can share out of this forum, in fact we advise against them.
  13. Don't repeat yourself.
Laura stickied the discussion .
Laura locked the discussion .
3 years later
Ines unlocked the discussion .
Ines locked the discussion .
8 months later