Thank you for you point of view. Because as you said many girls/womans here grew up under strict rules and many of them keep this state of mind until now, I can find here a lof of experience and inspirations.
Kaja what do you exactly mean please?
Ines thank you for kind words
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Kaja she prefers EDITED She says that keeping me in chastity means that I fully belonging to her as well as my schedule is prioritizing according to her needs.
Lana why do you think so?
@Lana , please, be polite.
@Dominik89 , this is introduction topic, one of the few "non adult" and "no member" thread, be very careful with your words in it, please.
Dominik89 What I mean is that this community is not classically about MLR or FLR. It's abozt chastity - serious chastity. Most people here are chaste because they believe masturbation to be wrong or because it's a form of parenting. It's not about chastity as a fetish in the sense that the idea of being chaste is a fetish or a turn-on for someone.
I am belted because it makes me generally happier and feel cared about.
Max9 I think that concept of domestic discipline (especially if apply by her/his partner) that several members are into here is synonym to e.g. MLR.
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Angelina maybe it looks like you are saying about. But fetish is about erotic part of living as couple, submission is ethernal state of soul.
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Hello my name is Mariella, 18 years old. Fitted with a chastity belt by my mother .