Athania some trick during the day to keep everything fresh
I usually clean myself while I'm still locked. Sure, some cleaning brakes have to be from time to time. It works fine, when you are taking a bath for example and press the skin down a bit at every spot. First in soap-water, then in clean water. Or do same under the shower. There I usually make the shower gel do get some white bubbles by rubbing it above my genitals and let if flow under the chastity device using the showerhead on a very low level of waterflow. Then I clean it out with a strong waterflow.
Or, when being caged, you can fill a bowl with soap water and do the same like when taking a bath in there.
It works fine but, as I already said, some unloked cleaning times are fine.
Also the device can run a bit when your skin has been wet for some time till it dries.
I usually use a fan because of that, but not on a super hot setting.