alina I have this style of being kawaii and nerd girl there but that's not even how I am my real life.
understandable and good, on the internet you are only there to earn money and you are a figure of art there. it is good if you can separate that from your private life. but have you ever thought about learning a real profession or studying?
HHelen If I was your parent and discovered such "job", you would wear a chastity belt 24/7 + chastity bra to prevent this activity in future.
i think my father would do exactly the same and i would at least take all technical devices away from my daughter.
alina Well that's exactly what happened to me except the chastity bra
No, because 24/7 would mean that you could no longer do the job.
Laura Webcam in a chastity gear? Interesting 😂
She could also earn money with it and the parents are reassured. 😉