Angelina so according to your philosophy, a chastity belt, at least when worn permanently, would be bad for your health?
If I gave you that impression, I am sorry. My personal opinion (which really means nothing - smiles) is that sexual appetite is a good thing. It makes life more pleasurable, gives you something to enjoy and look forward to. Happiness is generally loosely associated with longevity. Again - hard to study because there are so many variables.
I have no information on whether an unsatisfied sexual appetite would be harmful. Being secured in a chastity belt that crushed you appetite for sex might be harmful. If instead it made you crave sexual stimulus all the more, even it it wasn't satisfied, might be harmful. On the other hand, if it kept you aroused, interested and full of life it could be beneficial. I do not know. I know it would depress me if I were locked in, never satisfied and never knowing when a release might come. To me, that would be awful. In the end, a chastity belt is a tool that performs certain physical functions. By itself it is neither good nor bad. It is its affect on the individuals who are involved in its use that matters. And as this forum demonstrates, those effects vary enormously.
The other thing I did see in the literature that it is thought that males who have cardiovascular risks, need to be careful. At orgasm their heart rate and blood pressure can rise dangerously leading to myocardial infarction (heart attack) or stroke. It would make sense that the most at risk are for those whom sexual activity is only occasional.