I would probably ask them,but only to do it "well";I'm sure they would be ok.
And they know doing something damaging my relationship with Emilie would be a red line,as I would always choose Emilie instead of my parents,and break the relationship with my parents if it is necessary.With a good possibility that my twin side with me,and do the same.
Sara2001 We where not forced to have a relationship but kind of "forced" to meet and see where it is going.
If I remember well,you were punished because you weren't ok,at first.Or was it because you weren't polite when refusing?
Angelina our parents locked us up so we wouldn't have sex before marriage not so we would marry a chosen partner.
Not sure.
So,in France there should be approximately 670 000 men wearing it,and probably at least the same for women!If it is the same,it would be 1 340 000 people in chastity in France;at least 1 people on 50.If it is true,I probably already met some people wearing one without knowing it(which is very likely,during university,I think)!π
Tobbe 20.000 different models of male devices
That's a lot!I think many are exactly the same,but with a different name...
Sara2001 I think it would be something people would talk about
We don't talk about it with much people,except on this board...