Daphne Yes I'm definetly submissive

then i think the rules fit very well πŸ™‚

7 days later

Daphne Me and my gf cannot really decide on a uniform so we're curious what you all think it should be

i'm no expert in this, but i'm just going to suggest a schoolgirl uniform. simply because i have a slight fetish for it. πŸ˜‚

    Daphne Well it depends if you would prefer more classical - realistic or like "movie style" uniform πŸ˜ƒ

      Daphne preferably five, though if you have fewer, that’s just more domestic training in keeping clothes washed!

      Saintprudence It looks cute! Saying Akane Tendo uniform, I like cosplay. I mainly cosplay idol anime characters, but I don't like exposure, such as outfits without sleeves (I'm kind of okay with short skirt though, but not too short!).

      For cosplay, this is kind of my borderline level of skirt length. Sleeve length may be shorter than that as long as it won't reveal armpit, but for other aspects of exposure, it fits my acceptable level. [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32968675779.html]
      *If link does not work, try to copy and paste the link on address bar of the browser.

      However, I would prefer longer skirt than that for everyday outfits. I'm okay with pants, too, if it's not too short.

      It would affect how I dress in future as well. Even in little bit hot weather, I don't take off my t-shirt and short pants even inside home, although my parents wonder why.

      Daphne i wanna be thigh banded

      Thigh bands may be dangerous depending on situation. Are you planning to wear thigh bands 24/7, or only at home? If former you might be in danger in case of emergency when you have to run quickly.

      If you want to wear thigh bands for enhanced security, you won't get any benefit with thigh bands now if you haven't gone through SRS / GRS yet. If you want it for other purposes, I guess it would be up to you.


        It is cute yeah! Also the link you posted doesn't work sadly πŸ™

        As for thigh bands, that's more wishful thinking if anything. A chastity bra is more doable though

        • Rina replied to this.

          Daphne link you posted doesn't work sadly

          I think Aliexpress link somehow does not properly work on this forum. If you copy and paste address on address bar it might work.

            Lea I mean "movie style" are like from anime or post that you had reccomended here. Classical uniform is more like "british" I mean: shirt, tie, blazer, skirt worn properly.

              Daphne You can choose which one you will be wearing? Then it s not that strict.


                Well once i pick that's gonna be it, that's my uniform


                  But i think the classic one would be best with a long skirt

                  • Lea replied to this.