Rina Oh you crushes my effort to write a book 😭
So now seriously:
To the first point, I think this forum was created for exact this reason. But as we see, if you search for facts, you can get facts and wrong facts and a lot more you don't want to know when searching for facts. So to concentrate the real facts in a wiki, so new members don't have to ask questions that are already answered (unless they read thousands of posts to find the answers themselves) would be good.
For now I don't get exactly what you mean with the second point. But I think this can be merged with your third point.
And yeah collaboration would be a lot easier. If you can get the others to put some work in it, but we can only know it, if we try.
I have nothing against a wiki, and if @Laura would provide the platform for it, why not?
Btw @Laura are Bitcoins the only way to support this forum financial or could I send you (via email) a paysafecard code?