Joh Why? I suppose they would be sure all children are from her father.

yes, it was more of a joke that was a bit difficult to understand, i mean the fact that a belt prevents sex and 6 children, that kind of triggered something in my head. don't take it too seriously 😂

2 years later
14 days later

It depends what the relationship is like.

Kaja It's been two days and you're already trying to figure out a way to cheat it 😂

  • Kaja replied to this.

    Max9 Ii part of the fun. And every time I can go to my back dorrs I can cum. So chastity belt never can dtops me from orgasm...

      Kaja aren't there some models with a back shield? Beware, you need to be caurions of what you're saying to your keyholder

      • Kaja replied to this.

        Laura Some experience? But you have true.
        I have lot of hours of experience.

          Kaja Some experience? But you have true.

          No, it's just obvious

          Kaja And every time I can go to my back dorrs I can cum.

          but only through anal penetration? or do you reach your vagina from behind and come to orgasm?

          • Kaja replied to this.

            Padre And over her mouth 😃

            To the topic. I can't cheat the belt for last couple years.

            Padre I hope that we wel buy some vaginal plug for my belt. I love the idea. And there is one better - both holes filled,

            • Max9 replied to this.
            • Joh likes this.

              Kaja How about just shields without plugs? Let's say for one week?

              Kaja Anal penetration is enaugh

              then the belt at least does what it is supposed to do and prevents access to your vagina

                Damien Go for. We may learn something new.