Im a girl but I have lot of interest in this stuf.

Nate Well, since balls produce sperm all the time, it would seem logical that boys need to get rid of it regularly. However, it doesn't have to be masturbation and it doesn't even have to come with orgasm.

yes i have read about this alternative form, but i don't know exactly what happens when boys don't get rid of their sperm over a long period of time.

A friend of mine (a young man) once said that the testicles burst, but that was more of a joke. 😂

  • Nate replied to this.

    I'm very interested by reading your experiences of long-term wearing a cage guys, since I have to do it myself since approx. 2 months now ☚ī¸
    Especially what are the effects of wearing it for long periods and if you have some advices to make it easier

      Nate Well, since balls produce sperm all the time, it would seem logical that boys need to get rid of it regularly. However, it doesn't have to be masturbation and it doesn't even have to come with orgasm.

      That's why you leak frequently... that's how they get rid of it

        MaximeJourennes Depending on what device you wear. Cages let your penis shrink a bit, but that's only an effect. When being free it'll have the same size again.


        Well, from what I know myself, you'll start to feel a strong urge to masturbate and your body tries to get an erection every time you think about anything hot. Also, leaking and the wet dreams become a lot more frequent. When I was locked for the first time and I was about 5 months without an orgasm or ejaculation, I was having them every week or so.

        The testicles (obviously) won't burst đŸ¤Ŗ, but they get way bigger and sensitive, which you can actually feel quite a lot, especially when you wear tighter underwear.


        Well, two months is about the time when you really start feeling it. Since my parents allowed me to relieve myself once a month, it wasn't a problem for me. However, my bf showed me that I can actually use my prostate to ejaculate and he now releases me less frequently.

        The prostate milking is a great way to get your sperm out, without actually needing to be unlocked; at least I didn't manage to get an orgasm from it. The procedure itself is quite humiliating, uncomfortable at first and leaves you as horny as before. But at the end of the day, it's worth it.


          I can't help you much,but my twin have to wear a chastity cage as punishment,sometimes,and he has no problem after it.However,he's far from being caged permanently,so not sure how it applies in your case...

          Max9 a full erection once a month / a few weeks are aslo important

          I agree.

          • Nate replied to this.


            How old is he and how long does he usually stay?

            Chastity cage as a punishment seems a little strange to me; I don't see the cage as a punishment and I certainly wouldn't punish teenagers that way. When Jake or I misbehaved, we got spanked and that was it ...

              Max9 That's why you leak frequently... that's how they get rid of it

              so this happens automatically?

              Nate Well, from what I know myself, you'll start to feel a strong urge to masturbate and your body tries to get an erection every time you think about anything hot. Also, leaking and the wet dreams become a lot more frequent. When I was locked for the first time and I was about 5 months without an orgasm or ejaculation, I was having them every week or so.

              But these are more the psychological effects, I was more interested in the physical effects because as far as I know the male body always produces sperm.

                Angelina so this happens automatically?

                yes, it does. You frequently leak some semen, sometimes even without noticing it... it's not much ... sort of like a period for women but way more frequent.


                  Nate You actually don't need to cum, you just need to ejaculate (without orgasm, that is).
                  You said in male keyholder thread
                  Nate My boyfriend says that I'm a lot nicer and more motivated when I stay without orgasm longer. Since he showed me how to milk the prostate, there's no need to give me full orgasms every time.>

                  If you can you only need to wet dream or have day time emissions or dripping and not orgasms or milking, that what I think you, your boyfriend and brother should be aiming for.

                  • Nate replied to this.


                    Yeah, that's true. The physical effects which I could see after 5 months without release were that the balls got bigger and more sensitive, and I was leaking all the time, but nothing apart from that. What I wonder is what would happen if I have been locked without orgasm all my teenage years ...


                    Personally, I think that leaking and wet dreams are not enough as far as health goes. True, we could relieve ourselves less frequently, but that's for another discussion.

                      Nate yes, that's true. The testicles often grow big... that's why being chaste during puberty and before marriage is rentable for later years ... I mean... bug balls aren't something bad, are they? 😉


                        Yeah, they're okay. When I got locked, my balls grew quite a lot, but they stayed "just large".

                        However, Robin has huge balls (he's released just 2-3x a year). He actually told me he must wear tighter boxer briefs for floorball and workouts so they don't move too much.

                        • Max9 replied to this.

                          Nate I know, that's the blood in the vessels. The ring keeps a higg level of it there and the vessels grow by time to release the pressure, but then again there's more blood in them as there's more space to fill... the ring keeps it there... That's a side effects of cages, but still I imagine there to be another effect, that by the growing amount of sperm and due to the rised sperm production when being denied the testicles might grow also

                            Nate Do you use dildo, buttplug, vibrator or special toy for prostate?


                              Well, I think it's more about the second part. If you have properly sized ring, you shouldn't have issues with blood circulation.


                              Right now, it's just a dildo, but my boyfriend already ordered a prostate vibrator with a remote. Unfortunately, it's still awaiting to be cleared at customs.

                                Nate Well, I think it's more about the second part. If you have properly sized ring, you shouldn't have issues with blood circulation

                                I know, but every ring needs to be a bit tight... that's why swallowing balls work... because when the oenis tries to grow it becomes bigger and thus reduces the soace being left for the testicles.

                                Nate Hi, I also wear a cage, I'm 15, over time I got used to it and even get some pleasure from my desire to masturbate. Wearing it was also associated with "excessive masturbation"and discipline. They also give me money for my own needs and provide the internet.

                                For me, no one has invented a schedule for the graduations - I am released in accordance with grades in school and success in sports and depending on my behavior. For erection and hygiene, the belt is removed 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

                                I also wear thongs underwear, which will better hold the belt and balls, not allowing them to "swing", although because of this I feel my balls more. My point is that the testes do increase in size with abstinence.

                                I also have a question - do you use anything from the leaks? I am using feminine pads.

                                  Alex I also have a question - do you use anything from the leaks? I am using feminine pads.

                                  I heard that many people do that ... I haven't done that jet, to be honest... I mean, you never leak very much and the underpants can absorb it... I think that pads would just irritate me.

                                  • Nate replied to this.