Angelina the D-rings are also not made to look good 😉

I know, but I mean ... one wants to look stylish in the belt, isn't it?

Jen I think they look like a bondage thing

Yeah, that's true... it also makes it look like something you don't wear every day... I mean... the belts fits perfectly to your body and looks very neat... the rings just change the apperance from a bodypaft into a gear

    Max9 Luckily a chastity bra doesn't need to be fixed at the belt

    Sometimes there are chains between bra and D-rings.

    Jen Yeah but they'll never be used

    Then why are they there?

    Max9 one wants to look stylish in the belt, isn't it?

    Yes, and my belt looks good on me.

      Jen No I don't, but not sure it's never... made mistake of not quitting this forum I think

      Don't tell this your mother 😬

      Yes - my belt has "D" rings (to connect to my thigh bands). Is this a poll?

      Angelina I also have the corresponding connecting chains, which I only wear under certain conditions.

      What is the purpose of these connecting chains ? More safety ?

        Renita Sometimes there are chains between bra and D-rings.

        Yeah, but I don't think they are really necessary

        Renita Then why are they there?

        I think they are there for the fetishists who live to see a body in chains

        Angelina every girl who has D-rings on her belt should be warned

        Thank you for the warning. Thinking carefully I'm not sure if she doesn't have thighbands ready.

          Max9 I know, but I mean ... one wants to look stylish in the belt, isn't it?

          well, i chose the silicone profile for it myself 😉 and yes, if i have to wear this damn thing permanently, it should at least look stylish. 😉

          Renita Sometimes there are chains between bra and D-rings.

          yes, these connecting chains are designed to prevent the cups from being pulled upwards, especially for women with small breasts.

          MaximeJourennes What is the purpose of these connecting chains ? More safety ?

          read my answer to @Renita which is directly above this sentence. but for me it has other reasons, it is part of a deal so that i get a break from bra once a month.

          Christine Thinking carefully I'm not sure if she doesn't have thighbands ready.

          did she measure your thighs? otherwise she must do it before ordering thighbands

            Angelina yes, these connecting chains are designed to prevent the cups from being pulled upwards, especially for women with small breasts.

            Is it a case for you?

              Angelina i chose the silicone profile for it myself 😉

              which colour did you choose?

                Angelina these connecting chains are designed to prevent the cups from being pulled upwards, especially for women with small breasts.

                They can also help to hold the waistband up, so that it presses less against the hip bones.

                  Angelina yes, these connecting chains are designed to prevent the cups from being pulled upwards, especially for women with small breasts.

                  Doesn't this only works when the band of the bra is too wide?

                    Max9 I'd like to give my unqualified opinion 😁 The women body has normally not the V-shape form like the male body does, where the shoulders are the widest part. So it is perhaps possible for women to push the bra band upwards, even if there arms maybe in the way (just use enough lubricant) 😂 .

                    Renita Is it a case for you?

                    it's not necessary for me, i wear it as part of a deal sometimes

                    but I think it might be necessary for my girlfriend if she would wear a bra.

                    Max9 which colour did you choose?

                    Pink 😉

                    Tobbe They can also help to hold the waistband up, so that it presses less against the hip bones.

                    that's true, although I wouldn't call this effect very strong.

                    Max9 Doesn't this only works when the band of the bra is too wide?

                    difficult to say, at least i did not succeed even without the connecting chains (even though i tried)

                      Max9 That's true, but there's no need to physically connect it with a belt.

                      Yes,but why wearing it without a chastity belt?


                      Personally,I find handcuffs and tied hands more bondage,as it is way less related to chastity,while the thigh bands are often used to make the chastity belt more secure.


                      You find the belt cute?

                      But yes,D-rings seems less integrated to the belt.

                      Jen No I don't, but not sure it's never... made mistake of not quitting this forum I think

                      I don't think the forum have such an impact about it.I think you would have been curious about it anyway.



                      Angelina or like my father as an additional safety tool

                      More common to use these to make the belt more secure,yes.

                      Angelina that your parents at least don't rule out buying thigh bands.

                      Yes,but,even if @Jen decides to wear it,as the chastity belt caused big troubles,I doubt they would try to add these.Not without a talk with her first,at least.

                      Angelina the D-rings are also not made to look good 😉

                      But these would be more accepted in this case.

                      Renita Sometimes there are chains between bra and D-rings.

                      But it's not necessary.

                      Renita Then why are they there?

                      Probably they thought they can need to add thigh bands,when they ordered it.Only in case of need,so.


                      Any clue about it?

                      Angelina if she would wear a bra.

                      Any risk of it?

                      Angelina even though i tried


                        Max9 I chose silver 👌🏼

                        I would not have recommended pink to you either. 😂

                        Vanessa while the thigh bands are often used to make the chastity belt more secure.

                        for me it is still a mixture of both

                        Vanessa Not without a talk with her first,at least.

                        well, the parents also ordered the belt very hastily, i am not sure

                        Vanessa Any risk of it?

                        no, except like the belt when she wants to test it herself (but i don't think so)