Jen Not gonna happen na ah not wearing it to school
How do you think you can go to 24/7, if that is what you are still considering, if you won't go to school with it?
Edit 15 okt: In the end 24/7 is more than just not being able to masturbate. It also means keeping it hidden always, also at school, on the beach, swimming pool or sports, dealing with sweat and itching during heat waves, messiness during our period, challenges at airports, etc.
Jen I'll have to get them to help see why it presses my hips.
I really hope you can find a good solution that way, because of the cost and raised expectations associated with getting another belt, and because before it arrives you might have to take a break with driving lessons, but if you still want to continue if you can't get it right, I agree with the others here that getting another one is the least bad alternative.