@saras mentioned that she is bi-asexual. This made me wonder... how do we all sexually identify?

Here's how I define the options I put into the poll.

  • Heterosexual: Sexually attracted exclusively to others of a different sex, including some strangers
  • Homosexual: Sexually attracted exclusively to others of the same sex, including some strangers
  • Bisexual / Pansexual: Attracted to more than one sex, or all people regardless of their sex
  • Asexual: Does not experience sexual attraction to anyone. However, an asexual person can still have a sex drive, it just does not include sexual attraction to other people.
  • Demisexual: Experiences sexual attraction, but only after forming an emotional bond

And for discussion:

How has your sexuality influenced your experience with chastity?

Has your experience with chastity influenced your sexuality?

How would you describe your sexuality?

    gwen @saras mentioned that she is bi-asexual.

    I said that as a sort of joke. I like both but certain underwear restrictions mean I have to remain sexually inactive

      gwen How has your sexuality influenced your experience with chastity?

      Has your experience with chastity influenced your sexuality?

      not at all and no πŸ˜‰

      saras but certain underwear restrictions mean I have to remain sexually inactive

      But that doesn't change the fact that you are bisexual, you just can't live it out right now.

      I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

        BikelockFugitive I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter.

        You're not an attack helicopter, you're just an XXXXXXXX

        That's a pretty rude thing to say. Even if you can't understand it, people really do struggle with gender and sexual identity. Pulling up this tired meme is so dismissive to their struggles -- struggles you probably don't have to deal with.

          gwen Just cause someone is struggling doesn't mean you cannot jokes about it.
          It also doesn't mean that you dismiss everything they say, maybe I just mock a specific sub culture? You cannot know because instead of starting a civil discussion you resorted to name calling and sat you bum on your Moral horse.
          EDIT: Censored insulting is still insulting as everyone knows the intentions, THINK GWEN THINK

          Apart from that you don't seem to know me: So let me give you a piece of wisdom; Take everything I say with a grain of salt. For I am the Martian troll.

          Also lets keep it to two posts, don't want Ines to have to clean this mess up.
          EDIT 2: Stay in your post, it ain't hard. Second of all no I am not, I am just making jokes, everyone has the same rights here, yes they have it bad in parts of the world but guess what: Take it to the dickheads who crucify them. Not to me, cause I don't. That's the difference between a joke you don't seem to get: If someone jokes they literally don't mean harm. Also if they suffer so much, maybe they should fuck off, take therapy and not read such a topic in the first place? The world is not the campus of a liberal arts college, people can say what they want as long as it's not a call for violence and the world does not need to adapt to you, you have to adapt to it. If you fail, that's on you.

          Technically we don't have to argue cause, I simply disagree with vast part of the third wave feminism movement. Far too authoritarian and not fair to anyone to exist in a free world. Good ideas, horrible execution. So we might just leave it cause we will not get anywhere.

            I usually make the same kind of joke, but using a male baby giraffe.

            gwen You're not an attack helicopter, you're just an asshole.

            Eh, @gwen , you can not insult here. And certainly, the same thing can be said about people that say that not fit in her biological body, and I will not allow it happens.

            gwen Pulling up this tired meme is so dismissive to their struggles -- struggles you probably don't have to deal with.

            The problem is that in Occident we can joking about everything, we can take everything with the biggest of relativism... less the sexual identity of a small group of people. Obviously, I respect them, but I do not accept they are holy cows. They are exactly the same than rest of people.

              BikelockFugitive mock a specific sub culture

              It's not that you're joking, it's the extent to which you are punching down. You're making jokes about a group of a much lower status.

              Trans folk and gender nonconforming folks have it really bad in most places in the world. They suffer a great deal. Making jokes about them just isn't funny.

                gwen about a group of a much lower status.

                It is the eternal problem, they think themselves as victims. Same with some kind of feminists.
                I am not a victim, for that I do not like the latest feminist wave in my country

                  Ines they think themselves as victims.

                  This feels like a bit of a straw man argument. I agree that victimhood as part of ones identity is bad. But, at the same time, there do exist groups of people who have fewer opportunities because of traits that they do not control.

                  Personally, I have had many opportunities handed to me, and I've had a lot of luck. Bad things have happened to me, but I still feel like I came out way ahead. Not all queer folk are so fortunate.

                  I didn't want this thread to go that direction. I apologize for feeding the troll πŸ˜† And for using language that was redacted.


                    🀣 🀣 🀣

                    gwen Trans folk and gender nonconforming folks have it really bad in most places in the world. They suffer a great deal. Making jokes about them just isn't funny.

                    making jokes about it is not bad, it always depends on whether it is meant positively or negatively. i respect all sexual minorities, but one should not be so harsh. i also call myself an "omnivore". πŸ˜‚

                    gwen I didn't want this thread to go that direction. I apologize for feeling the troll πŸ˜† And for using language that was redacted.

                    no problem. always remember: you are great the way you are, no matter what identity you have, but treating everyone the same also means that everyone has to bear the same jokes πŸ˜‰

                    • gwen replied to this.

                      Angelina one should not be so harsh.

                      I agree that I overreacted. So, @BikelockFugitive, one point to you for you got 'getting me' 🀣

                      Angelina making jokes about it is not bad, it always depends on whether it is meant positively or negatively.

                      Punching down will always feel icky to me. I'll never feel good making fun of someone being fat, or someone being poor, or anyone else based upon their challenges. It's hard to joke about them without it being negative.

                      Angelina i also call myself an "omnivore". πŸ˜‚

                      This is an amazing πŸ™‚

                        gwen Punching down will always feel icky to me. I'll never feel good making fun of someone being fat, or someone being poor, or anyone else based upon their challenges. It's hard to joke about them without it being negative.

                        i am in a homosexual relationship myself and know many problems even if it is of course more difficult with people of "unclear gender" (i really can't find a better word). like all other sexual orientations and genders, you have my full support because a person remains a person. πŸ™‚

                          Well, I can understand how awful it is when a relationship is not accepted by society, but some appearances of people and some definitions are a bit ... controcersial.
                          Once, in a museum in Firence, I say a gay couple in very thin and skinny short pants so that cou could really see every mm of their hard ...tails ... I don't mind people being gay, but having a different sexual identity is not a reason to behave as it pleases you and without any respect for tge people who are around you.
                          The second point is that sometimes it is hard to understand the slight differences between genders, for example: Intersexual, Non-Binary and Pansexual and Genderfluid...
                          You often can't see a real difference between them.

                            Max9 Once, in a museum in Firence, I say a gay couple in very thin and skinny short pants so that cou could really see every mm of their hard ...tails ... I don't mind people being gay, but having a different sexual identity is not a reason to behave as it pleases you and without any respect

                            This sounds like misbehavior regardless of their sexuality.

                            Max9 The second point is that sometimes it is hard to understand the slight differences between genders, for example: Intersexual, Non-Binary and Pansexual and Genderfluid...
                            You often can't see a real difference between them.

                            Part of your challenge seems to be that you confound gender identity and sexual identity. I can try to explain if you are interested to learn the difference.

                              gwen gender identity and sexual identity.

                              Well, that difference do I actually know. Gender is how you define youself and sexual is who you are attracted to... Still, people with a different sexual identity and gender identity are both part of the LGBTQ+ cathegory.

                                gwen This sounds like misbehavior regardless of their sexuality.

                                For me, it is. The problem is that it appears to me that some people feel that they have the right to misbehave because they a re different; others, and there are many of them in contrary to the first group, feel offended when you ask people to behave normal in public because they automatically assume you to be a sexist just because you complain about some LGBTQ+ people who do misbehave.

                                So, many of them demand that we don't stigmatise them, but at the same time they do stigmatise us - that's a problem their sub-society needs to face.

                                gwen How has your sexuality influenced your experience with chastity?

                                No influence on it.

                                gwen Has your experience with chastity influenced your sexuality?

                                Idem,no influence.

                                At least,I think a woman may understand' better how I feel with my chastity belt on,but it was never a reason why I dated a woman.


                                Or one-sided!πŸ˜‰

                                BikelockFugitive . For I am the Martian troll.


                                Ines Eh, @gwen , you can not insult here.

                                I agree.


                                I agree too.

                                gwen Part of your challenge seems to be that you confound gender identity and sexual identity.

                                Yes, I have the problem to understand the difference.
                                I also not sure do I have to? If I accept you as a person as you are why must I know if you are one or another?

                                OK. We have the classification o male and female. But if we differentiate we see their a many colours in this two types. Do we start a long discussion every time to find out exactly what type one is and give it a special name? I don't need that to be frank.
                                So I have a little bit of a problem with describing gender and sexuality because I don't see why everyone needs to know that. It distracts from the real issues. I admit it can sometimes be helpful to know the exact terms and differences when talking about sexuality, but then it's just a class you more or less fit into. If I want to know exactly, you have to talk about it in detail anyway.

                                • Ines replied to this.

                                  I admit that I believe that talk every time about sexuality is one of the things that are tiring me about these movements.
                                  In my livenobody asked me if I like men, never, and never I had the need of say "hello, I am InΓ©s and I like the men".
                                  I do not have problem with any legal sexuality, but II wish they weren't talking about it all the time.