Vanessa It was different. She found a belt on me and took the keys. But now Iā€™m not 20 years old, although single.

Laura and she will agree

This is what I fear šŸ˜ƒ

    Renita It was different. She found a belt on me and took the keys. But now Iā€™m not 20 years old, although single.

    Many people here think it is not a matter of age but of being single/in a relationship/engaged/married.

    Renita This is what I fear

    Do you think she'll be reluctant to give you back the keys,as long as you're single?

      Do you think as a belted wife you should be allowed to have an orgasm whenever you are in a sexual activity with your husband or do you think your should need an additional "permission" to orgasm?

      In my family my mother needs to ask permission. I know from Daniel that his sister has an even harder regime, she not always gets the permission and she only get it (or not) if she is ready to orgasm. I don't know how things are for her mother.

      Daniel says his sister is very happy with her sex life and I know my mother is, too.

      Daniel asked me about my opinion about this topic, that's why he explained about his sister. I think it is maybe more sexy for both of us if I have ask permission but I think it is also extremely difficult not to have an orgasm while you have sex with your husband and you are at "the point".

      I searched the internet for more information and found a big amount of women who are into something called "tease and denial". It sounds sexy, but also extremely difficult and frustrating and to be honest I actually have more frustration then I can handle easily.

      Maybe it adds some spice to it, but I don't want to end up having sex but still no orgasms or irregular orgasms.

        Vanessa Many people here think it is not a matter of age but of being single/in a relationship/engaged/married.

        Every single girl should wear a chastity belt, regardless if she is still single or became single again šŸ˜ƒ

          Laura, what if to you will born a daughter and she will REFUSE the CB?

            or it would simply mean your (future) daughter thinks about CB in a different way from you.
            I don't understand why you have to link CB and education. you can try to convince or maybe to force but "educate" is not natural. Nature made us born naked, without CB. šŸ˜›

            • Ines replied to this.


              I wonder if you really want to go through this, you are a woman in her late twenties and you are still locked up in the cb by your mother. should your daughter necessarily get one? I mean, are you afraid that something could happen if she does not wear one? should she be educated from the beginning? and when should she wear one? I hope you understand what i mean

                Vanessa Do you think she'll be reluctant to give you back the keys,as long as you're single?

                Yes, I'm afraid to get stuck in it

                  Angelina you are a woman in her late twenties and you are still locked up in the cb by your mother

                  Because I'm not married yet.

                  Angelina should your daughter necessarily get one? I mean, are you afraid that something could happen if she does not wear one?

                  For the same reason as me. To prevent sex without marriage.

                  Angelina and when should she wear one?

                  As soon as she has this risk. 16-18 y.o.


                    then you have to show her already when she is a child why it is so important, only then she will wear you and still be happy.

                    I would not do it unless my daughter wants it

                      Angelina then you have to show her already when she is a child why it is so important, only then she will wear you and still be happy.

                      That's what I call education. And I also like @Tere's way.

                        Renita Yes, I'm afraid to get stuck in it

                        Welcome to the club. Everybody here is in the same situation.
                        Why would you be different? Just because of your age?
                        I agree with Vanessa age doesn't matter, especially since you have said you are single now.
                        Could be a good example for everybody.


                          if i have a daughter or a son (i do not make any distinctions), i would of course tell my child the truth about my own experiences with all the positive and negative aspects, if my child wants that, i am ready to accept that because if it were not a compulsion but a great confidence of my child

                          Nature too make us selfish, Savage and aggresive. And society and rules allowed to men and women to build our present world.

                          Sara2001 Do you think as a belted wife you should be allowed to have an orgasm whenever you are in a sexual activity with your husband or do you think your should need an additional "permission" to orgasm?

                          I think it should be allowed.It is enough to have to let your husband decide when you can have sex.

                          If he wants it,and you're not sure,you can manage it a bit;for example,you're not allowed to orgasm before him(if he can get hard quickly enough to make you got one),or you have to "edge"(be very close to orgasm,then stop before you got it) several times before being allowed(but always allowed).Eging can lead to very good orgasms.

                          But you should try often to orgasm at the same time;it was very good,some of the best orgasms I had,clearly(but it is mainly possible to experience it fully in a heterosexual relationship).

                          Laura Every single girl should wear a chastity belt, regardless if she is still single or became single again

                          Even if she is wise in her decisions about who and when having sex,not masturbate too often,or even if she want to stay vigin until marriage(but without having to wear a chastity belt)?

                          Renita Yes, I'm afraid to get stuck in it

                          Would it be so illogical to not have the choice of wearing it or no?


                          And even more as she already wear one!

                            Vanessa Even if she is wise in her decisions about who and when having sex,not masturbate too often,or even if she want to stay vigin until marriage(but without having to wear a chastity belt)?

                            I only meant that unwed chastity can be applied to divorced girls as well like @Renita šŸ™‚

                              Laura I only meant that unwed chastity can be applied to divorced girls as well

                              I've never seen anything like this

                              Vanessa Would it be so illogical to not have the choice of wearing it or no?

                              I don't understand. Do I have a choice or not?

                              Vanessa And even more as she already wear one!

                              No, I don't wear it now

                              Laura especially since you have said you are single now

                              It can be changed any time

                                Renita I've never seen anything like this

                                Therefore you will be the first

                                Renita It can be changed any time

                                Therefore you need a chastity belt even more

                                Laura Obviously it's husband's decision to wear or not wear a belt.

                                I disagree, Laura.
                                It is decision of our husbands to release us of our restrictions, when do it, how long and motives for do it (always that it make us happy as wifes), but wear chastity belt, is my decision.
                                Is my decision to marry an amorous man that maintain me belted and protected.