not a good idea. i work with metals. Stainless steel metal is VERY hard to paint and also if can paint it some time later the paint will go away peace after peace, not beautiful to look at.
moreover if you scratch it, yes the paint will attach better but later, when paint will go away, you will never clean paint from scratches to put new paint. and paint on paint doesn't work well.
Best chastity belt color under the clothes
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strictfather Not much experience with metal work here. I can sharpen my knifes and made a few but thats all
Or could you apply some kind of material on top of the steel so to give the paint a better grip? Or what is with this liquidpainting? Where you dump the object into a container filled with a liquid where the paint is swimming on top of it?
Edit: I just double checked what I wrote up there but internet says its pretty much how you work with stainless steel.
Either internet is wrong or you had bad experiences?
strictfather What about powder coating? It may work.
We Have it a lot of time in touch with our skin... It is better be carefully. Even with non alergia steel, we can have, some issues with redness.
Probably paint will do it worst! Please have present that inside the belt, there is a girl! :
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Umm darling? Your body shouldn't be touching the paint in the first place.
Its only the outside of the CB that would be painted both for appearance and safety reasons.
Ines I wouldn't suggest it otherwise.
@Daniil According to my research both the methodes I said, as well as power coating might work. The latter should be done by a pro tho.
And I guess painting will need some maintenance, it will be brushes for clothes, be wet...
I recognize that as idea it can be cool, but I think that it need some test period before my approval!!
I followed the construction of piping systems with thousands of metal pipes (both carbon steel, both stailess steel). When we tried to paint stainless steel tubes to write something on the tubes (typical a note to remember something during building), after a while the paint came off.
if then the stailess steel is polished (as in CB) then the paint comes off even before.
strictfather Internet seems to be wrong then.
Alternative solution: Slap a coloful patch onto the chastity belt. (Maybe glue it there? I dunno.
All I have read is that just to keep the liner stick to the stainless steel is a royal pain.
Well it depends, I have read about problems, but specially in cheap belts, and specially in waist/hip band. In quality belt, at least in my case, is not a common problem at all.
But you have to review neoprene before wear the belt, because a little defect as a wrinle or a fold, and neoprene is enough to hurt us the skin or become in a pressure point, and with such tight device can provocate us pain.
I suppose that girls with good belts are in the same.
BikelockFugitive Why might you need to paint the belt itself? He looks good shiny.
Renita I mean there is also shiny paint...
I dunno, there was the wish for different Belt colors and I pitched my idea
BikelockFugitive there was the wish for different Belt colors
Rubber, not metal
Renita Oh I've gotten that wrong.
The covering is like that black lining or is that a patch on top of th eactual belt?
we meant the inner lining, therefore also the considerations of @Ines because of the skin
BikelockFugitive Have you ever seen a female chastity belt?
It's like soft pad between you and metal inside belt and only edges visible. Outside it's just shiny steel
If you guys seriously want to help look at other neoprene linings. there are tougher versions that could cover more of chastity belt
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Renita Yeah I saw them.
I thought It was like this black bra problem you wanted to avoid?
You know where you can see them through the clothes ^^
I will figure out a solution for you girls
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I talked about what My-Steel call the "silicone profile";the belt itself is steel,not colored.Same for the chastity bra.
So in theory.
Couldn't you cut out a thin, but long cylinder out of a swim noodle that has the color you want, make a cut to the middle and just push it on top of your CB lining? (Maybe even glue it?)
That should work, and you could have the colors you want c: