The steel cable has a certain stiffness so it tends to constantly want to return to its shape. The chain is by far a much better option.
Maija Toilet is okay at least when they crotch chain doesn't come in the way
what is your problem with the toilet?
I have been using it with bands for years and have never had to clean the chain.
Was your chain attached to the crotch? If so, I can understand, if not, no.
Jas Omg! I've just discovered the table with data who wears what and how... gotta say, I admire you who have thigh bands padlocked. Like, how the heck you can even walk?
I think exactly like you.
Although the bands are useful for certain moments, it is something that should never be worn all day.
Using a padlock is even worse, and assuming that it does not improve security at all over a chain of an adequate length, its use should still be more limited than that of the chain, at best, and even then I doubt it , it would be for a few hours and not everyday, like the "blocking piece" that I have and that I like so much...