Megan What if after 6 months of failing to masturbate it back fired and sent me into an even worse relationship.
In that sense is better wear the belt again. I have no experience on the subject, but probably, and if I understand what you are saying, trying to reach an orgasm would cause you anxiety because it is difficult for you to achieve it without a partner.
Megan Before @Sin jokes and send me an instructional video I understand how women orgasm but it just really doesn't interest me and it stops after a couple minutes. I don't feel guilty because I was raised chaste or anything like that.
The same happens to me. Many times I do notice that my body is excited, I do not know if I am explaining myself, and I am hot and my heart rate goes up and there is even a little flow down there.
This usually coincides with the times of ovulation.
But even though my body notices that, my mind does not ask me to try to touch myself. My body simply prepares itself in case a male wanted to impregnate me, I would give him certain facilities. pure physiology.
Megan How can everyone know what that is before it happens ???
You have to talk and have some good advice from somewhere
Sadly, many times, in this type of relationship, two pathological personalities coincide, one evil, and the other not evil, but pathological.
Many times these men have traits of psychopathy, and psychopaths are the masters of masquerades. They can cheat on you during years of courtship, for them it is one more mask. They are also usually narcissistic and manipulative, so they have been doing it since they were children.
What we have to do is take care of ourselves inside and out, be smart and beautiful and leave that guy at the first bad sign. That as women we are worth a lot, we contribute a lot, and the least we deserve is a boy who takes good care of us.