Lana It is depended on the kind of relation.

Let assume both prefer a equal relation ship. They love each other and take care that the partner get what is needed. A CB, bra or thigh bands not necessary.
If she is fully committed to her partner and prefers to be in complete control of her sexual stimulation and satisfaction, feeling respected and protected, a CB is an option.
Equally, wearing only the CB for a while and giving your partner the choice for as long as it takes to make it more pleasurable is a possibility. This can also be done reciprocally.

Abby82 Trust is really important in relationships and you basically have no trust in your partner if you require her being in chastity belt.

And if she want it to in the belt for him how you see it than?

For us it has nothing to do with protection or trust. It's just a power I give him. He loves to have this power over me and I love to make him happy and to feel how he cares for me. The power he gets comes with a lot of responsibility and really enjoy that I don't have to be responsible in this area anymore because he is in charge.leexclusively.

He trusts me and I don't feel unsafe without the belt nor does he have the feeling that I would cheat on him without the belt.

    Thinking of a chastity belt as something you put on people you do not trust completely misses the point of a chastity belt. There are a few situations where a chastity belt can be used to recover damaged trust, for example as a form of reconciliation proposed by a partner who has confessed to cheating. Otherwise, if the keyholder has no trust in the wearer it is usually because they forced the belt upon the wearer, and you know my feelings on forced device wear.

    No, chastity devices in a relationship usually serve to enhance a commitment. We are all humans and we all make mistakes - most of us would not make a big mistake like having sex with another person behind our partners' backs, but in some relationships, that commitment extends further, e.g. no masturbation without your partner's presence and support. And when the urge for that strikes, you might be strong enough 9 times out of 10, but that tenth time, your willpower may falter, and you will be happy to have a reminder between your legs that tells you not to do that, and makes it harder to do so if your brain is not listening to that reminder.

    Other people see it mostly as a reminder of their partner's presence. If the partner has a key for your chastity belt, whenever you feel the belt between your legs, you feel the intimacy of the person who put it there.

      I will insist my daughter to keep wearing a chastity belt after marriage.

        HHelen Why do you think you have the right to interfere in your daughter's private life? That is and remains solely a matter between your daughter and her partner.

          Lana But at the same time, is it really necessary?

          I think that question is applicable to the whole concept of the chastity belt, both for girls and wives.
          The answer is that it depends on what is intended.
          Here are people like @Kaja , for example, for whom virginity means nothing, in which case the belt would not be necessary, even before marriage.
          If, on the other hand, like me, you believe in virginity and that sexuality is always a path for two and never an individual, it is very necessary, both as a single woman and later as a wife.
          For me, the belt is a symbol of protection towards women and, of course, I would like my husband to want to protect me, at least as my parents did.

          Traducción en directo

            Sara2001 For us it has nothing to do with protection or trust.

            youdontknowme hinking of a chastity belt as something you put on people you do not trust completely misses the point of a chastity belt.

            Ines I think that question is applicable to the whole concept of the chastity belt, both for girls and wives.

            Yes thank you this is correct..

            @Lana are you against wearing while you are married? Maybe you would feel more comfortable with cb than without in that season of your life

            Lana But i don't plan to wear it inside the house or as a commitment thing.

            Than do it. 👍
            Nothing wrong with it.

            Do you feel that where you live, a belt outside the house is necessary to protect you?

            We see the belt not as a means to an end (keeping her chaste at all cost) but rather as a strong symbolic reminder of the promises we made for each other, like a wedding ring. Her, voluntarily locking her most private parts and handing me - and only me - the keys for it represent a level of commitment, trust and love that can hardly be otherwise expressed. Truly belonging to your partner!
            The key for me on the other hand symbolises, that I - and I alone - am fully responsible for her well beeing and for fulfilling her needs and desires! It reminds me, that she - and only she - is my utmost priority.

            Lana Prevention is always better

            Sure, protektion is allways good but sometime over the top. Or do you wear a helmet every time outside the house because there is a small risk that something could fall on your head?

              Lana I'm complerely at you about this.
              If you really love your partner, then you don't need a belt in order to not cheat on him / her - except if you have a diagnosed nymphomanic disorder maybe.
              Just for mastubation I can understand it, because it's really hard / nearly impossible to quit.
              I think wearing a belt is either about two things: first of all - the lifestyle, and second: You want to be belted as a sign of commitment and / or submission to your partner.

              Lana Sorry, If you got the Impression I would mock you. Actially, the opposite was the case. That's why I asked if you live in an area where you have to protect yourself.
              Look, I am a men and live in an rutal area where I see virtually no danger of anything happening to me. So I can' t estimate how it is for you.

              Lana Use an appropriate translator because it can lead to great misunderstanding.

              I use an appropriate translator when I am not sure how it is meant. Because understanding is important to me.
              There are many different nations represented here in the forum whose mother language is not English. We should all take this into consideration, as the vocabulary and understanding of the language can be very different. Even today's translators are not always able to translate it well. They are much better than 5 years ago but not perfect. Native speakers in particular should take this into account. Their use of language is much more sophisticated than many are capable of.

              Translated with (free version)


              so it is not necessary, because it contradicts the purpose of the belt. a chaste wife does not have a particularly fulfilling marriage, i.e. without sex. but if it is to prevent attempts to cheat on the spouse or to keep from masturbating or to give some control to the partner, it is ok

              HHelen I will insist my daughter to keep wearing a chastity belt after marriage.

              You can do it, but it's not your business.

              Joh Or do you wear a helmet every time outside the house because there is a small risk that something could fall on your head?

              but i can understand @Lana. i live in a city where i don't go into the city centre at night without a strong man, too many dangerous shapes. one of the few places where i even feel safer with a chastity belt, even if it wouldn't be of much use in case of doubt.

                Angelina i live in a city where i don't go into the city centre at night without a strong man, too many dangerous shapes. one of the few places where i even feel safer with a chastity belt, even if it wouldn't be of much use in case of doubt.

                Because of that I asked if she feels it it dangerous.
                I cannot judge this from my point of view and living thousands of kilometres away in another country like her.

                  Angelina I fully agree, chastity in marriage meets security aspect such as protection from masturbation or for cheating. For me chastity belt wil lbe still as a mean of how to give my woman power to control me and make decision on owhat is the best for me.

                    Joh Why do you think you have the right to interfere in your daughter's private life?

                    Because she is my daughter.

                    I agree that

                    Abby82 Trust is really important in relationships and you basically have no trust in your partner if you require her being in chastity belt

                    but unlike her husband I have the luxury of not trusting her.

                      HHelen Has she done something that would make you not trust her?