Sin I started off using mine at night rather than during the day, but in any case, it takes a very long time to work up to the point where you can wear it all the time.
In my experience, it depends a lot on how well the belt fits. My first custom made My-steel CB was wearable only a few hours and I doubt that this would have changed very much over time. After two major modifications it was OK for nearly 23/7.
When I ordered a second My-steel CB with all my previous experience, I was told to start slow again. In fact, the second belt was wearable 24/7 with the exception of sports from day one. No problems at night and a degree of discomfort that could be handled over the days. I guess if I had started with belt 2, few weeks of training might have been enough. Thus, I do not consider it completely implausible, but only in exceptional cases anything close to 24/7 will be possible after few weeks.