bdsamm I don't think I can get a fun bet on the Chiefs. They are favored to win by 15.5 points and I am not comfortable giving someone that kind of a lead. Could leave me in a bit of trouble. LOL! But please cheer for the Chiefs Sunday anyway.


Looks like they have it made.

    Avery Yes! They won by 16 points (more than the projected 15.5) so I am free. Unfortunately my friend will be tracked for a week (unless I get benevolent). She was a good sport about it.

    Avery: Good luck with your Pats Thursday night. I will be rooting for them but probably cannot watch. Looks like it will not be televised in my area. Good luck. The Bills are pretty tough.


      bdsamm Avery: Good luck with your Pats Thursday night. I will be rooting for them but probably cannot watch. Looks like it will not be televised in my area. Good luck. The Bills are pretty tough.


      Sam, thanks. May not make it to the end of the game because of the hour but will record it. Hope springs eternal here. Many folks believe, with some good reason, that Belichick can scheme up a way to win. They did win a bad weather game in Buffalo last year 14-10 by slowing things down and attacking the quarterback (and making no dumb mistakes, a problem this year). This is the same strategy teams used to use against us when Brady was here. We'll see.

        Avery Their next game will be hard on you cause I am gonna kick your butt. At least I hope so. 😀

          bdsamm Their next game will be hard on you cause I am gonna kick your butt. At least I hope so

          Perhaps. But, it is probably literally true that that will be the first time in my lifetime that Arizona could hope to do that.

            Avery Yes, and I still do not have a lot of confidence in this match. You would have to give me pretty good odds for me to bet on them, but I hope so. They seem to have a pretty good quarterback now. Maybe that will help.

              bdsamm Well, I do hope you slept through most of that. They did very little after the first quarter except for a field goal in the last few minutes of the game. Sorry. 😢

                bdsamm They seem to have a pretty good quarterback now. Maybe that will help.

                Maybe. If you look at his season stats he has 7 TDS, 7 INTS. He did miss 2+ games to injury and he doesn't have much of a line in front of him but when we get 10+ points behind one feels the game is gone because we can't score.


                bdsamm Well, I do hope you slept through most of that. They did very little after the first quarter except for a field goal in the last few minutes of the game. Sorry. 😢

                I just watched the rest of it, mostly fast-forwarding. One bright spot was Marcus Jones reception for the 1st quarter touchdown, his first play on offense this year (kick return specialist) then he only has one more catch in the game. Don't know why. 38-22 min. time of possession in favor of Buffalo.

                It's depressing that the next two games are night games, tho the Arizona game I guess starts at 7PM eastern which isn't too bad. Guess they are staying out there after to wait for the Vegas game.

                  Avery Do you have a required bedtime or do you just get too tired to keep watching? I would think a good NFL game would be enough to keep anyone awake.

                    bdsamm Do you have a required bedtime or do you just get too tired to keep watching? I would think a good NFL game would be enough to keep anyone awake.

                    Most nights I need a good night's rest so I can run the next day. But the X-country championship race was 11/19 so we had the next week off, Thanksgiving week. So the Thanksgiving game I could stay up, except I got tired. Last night I really couldn't stay up 'cuz we are back to workouts to prepare for winter season. So there is no really fixed bedtime but one is expected to show up next day ready to go.

                      Avery WOW! I had really forgotten about the running. That is some pretty intense exercise I am sure. I never really had the ability to run. Not enough oxygen. I would approach the passing out point. On the other hand, I have hiked up mountains above the 10,000 foot level but I do have to stop to breath. I also have made many trips up to the top of 400 + foot towers with no problem. Your running is terrific.

                        bdsamm On the other hand, I have hiked up mountains above the 10,000 foot level

                        There's a lot of hiking up in the White Mountains in NH, about 90 miles from me. Good places to run, hills. We're starting interval stuff so we're on the track now.

                          Avery So interesting. My favorite place to hike is the White Mountains of AZ. Mt Baldy is the highest peak at a little over 11000 feet. My summer home is at 7000 feet.

                            bdsamm So interesting. My favorite place to hike is the White Mountains of AZ. Mt Baldy is the highest peak at a little over 11000 feet. My summer home is at 7000 feet.

                            Our Mt. Washington is listed at 6500 ft. Amazing sometimes how much bigger the landscape is out west.

                            bdsamm Do you have a required bedtime or do you just get too tired to keep watching? I would think a good NFL game would be enough to keep anyone awake.

                            so i don't think an adult woman needs a prescribed bedtime, adults should know and be able to decide that for themselves 😂

                              bdsamm I guess you haven't been in the army. 😄

                              No, but my father, I have no interest in being shouted at as an adult woman either. 😉

                              An exciting game (KC-Cin). Sorry the Chiefs lost. Nice to watch what looks like playoff football, something we no longer see in New England.