Did any of you ever try to unlock the belt secretly by picking the lock? This is especially but not exclusively a question for the ones who don't live at home all the time.
the lock!
I tried few times without any success. Tollyboy's tubular locks are very secure and Mom knew it
I just googled that and, wow, yes, they look pretty complicated!
I don't know anything about this but what sounds like the easiest thing for a small brass padlock is:
By another small padlock and remove the little parts that make it match a key, check that the new brass padlock will open with the key that came with it and another key from the same type of brass padlock. Check that the brass padlock would open with your parents key, the key that came with it and the key from another of the same brass padlock.
This brass padlock is now called a "latch".
Exchange the small brass padlock that came with yours with the 'latch'.
Now when parents undress you they can, and you could also open the latch with the other keys.
I won't share where I heard about this but I have never done anything like this. I don't know if it is a good idea. I think it depends on the circumstance.
Megan's idea is good,but finding a way to get the parents' key may be a bit diffciult,if they take care to always keep it...
I tries a few times to pick the lock,yes,but didn't suceed.And I haven't tried much,as I fear to be in trouble if they notice some scratch on it(even if they probably guessed I would try.
I don't think I really understood how that may work with the latch, but it wouldn't work like that for me anyway as my parents don't give me the chance to have the lock when I am not in my belt.
I more was wondering if one of those lockpicking sets that are available at amazon may actually work .
Dilly I do not know so don't trust me on this but I think lock-picking is more of a theme for spy movies to have a situation where people have to kill some time. If you picked a lock you would have to pick it again every single time and you already masturbate so you couldn't have any incentive to break your lock or belt??? I have only heard of people cutting off their locks and switching for a latch. If you seriously want this and you are able to not get pregnant I would only suggest controlling the "latch". I am not sure if I am causing more trouble than help by suggesting this but this is what I have heard about padlock, if you had a locking plate like I often do or a radial lock than forget about the "latch".
I think I understand. It would be more interesting to be able to pick the lock for someone who doesn't live at home anymore, so if you are at college from monday to friday you could pick the lock on monday and lock yourself in on Friday again.
I just googled these pins, Hmm, you probably are right
I guess I will have to be pretty patient then.
Why should I buy some padlocks?The key won't be useful for unlocking the ones I have,and I'm pretty sure I'll never get the opportunity to replace the locks and all the keys with mine...
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Raziel I have seen this movie (as you can see it's from 2007) before and tried. It simply didn't work.
Sure you can break any belt, but we all have the reasons to not do it. I have created the separate topic about it.
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Yes,as you know,I only agree reluctantly to wear it.I understand my parent's opinion about waiting until married(even if I don't share it totally),that I may concentrate more in studies(and soon,work),etc...but I should be able to decide it myself,not being prevented by wearing a chastity belt,which impact Emilie's too(we're in love and should be able to make love together).And I should be able to pleasure myself when my urges are strong.And,even if it impact my work or my social life,or my relationship,etc...I'm adult,I should have the right to decide and face the consequences.
If I can replace the lock and their keys,they would think only their keys can open it,while I would be able to open it when I want too.So,yes,I would do it.
Thank you for the tips Raziel,but we also need to be able to do it discreetly.And be able to lock it again easily,without our opening being noticed,And I never suceed at lockpicking mine...