Ines better gift her cushions and pillows.

and keys, gift her keys! 😁

but to the question: sleeping on a side is very uncomfortable to me, but on my back is okay with a cushion protecting the thigh bands as Ines described.

    i have to say, i envy the back sleepers here, i myself can only sleep on my side, so unfortunately i am dependent on many pillows πŸ˜‚

    Thanks for all the replies.
    I wonder though about the fact that some can only sleep on their side and others can only sleep on their back. Does this have something to do with the shape of the chestity divices or even with the manufacturer?


      Obviously, more or less hip has influence, a girl with wide hip, belt hip and hard bed, probably will have to sleep over her back mandatory.

      I realize that. But in what way does the cb and the other devices influence the sleep position?


        Well I explained myself in first posts...
        What is your question specifically.
        Side sleeping is hard, specially with bands, you can not open the legs enough to achieve a support surface wide enough.

          Amira but to the question: sleeping on a side is very uncomfortable to me, but on my back is okay with a cushion protecting the thigh bands as Ines described.

          Same for me. I can only lie on my side for a short while before it becomes uncomfortable. I was a side sleeper but now I sleep on my bag.

          Mr-TM Well, as a man I guess I have relstively wide hips. I also have a hip-style belt and I can only sleep comfortable on hard matrasses. So I was pretty much in truble in the beginning, but you get used to it.
          The biggest problem I had with sleaping in the belt didn't actually have to to with the band pressing on my hip which I lay on, but with the fact that my hips seemingly change their width depending on if I stand or lay... so they become smaller when I lay down, somehow.
          That's why the belt didn't fit propperly and was able to moove up and down a little but which is a truoble for me as a man bevause the penis tube is pretty tight at the body and when it's moving up and down a bit that's painful over the time. That's why I tried to make the belt one size (hole) snaller, which was too small, and yeah...
          Well, over the time I either gained some weight or my hips became wider ... however I haven't had this problem anymore for quite a while.

          Oh yeah, I also changed my sleeping position from sideways to constantly changing between sideways and sideways-belly.

          Ines What is your question specifically.

          Does it also depend on the manufacturer or the shape of the cb/chastity devices?

          • Ines replied to this.


            I have 2 belts, next 3, and most influence comes of the type of the belt.
            Hip/waist and width of the shield.
            FS is more comfortable when I lay in my back, but less when I do over my side.
            FS is tighter, too and thigh bands have a shorter chain, so, yes, shape matters.

              Amira and keys, gift her keys!

              they wonΒ΄t give you the keys, ever. >They will add more and more keys until you are as safe as you are supposed to be

                Amira and keys

                Sure, keys too. But only keys and not THE keys. πŸ˜‰

                  Ines I have 2 belts, next 3

                  Are all three from the same brand and the same model?

                  • Ines replied to this.

                    Oh yes! Very nice corner there. And first the bars in Key West. Each with live music.

                    Mr-TM Are all three from the same brand and the same model?

                    All different. NS waist, FS hip, and soon a Chinese cable one.

                      Mr-TM I realize that. But in what way does the cb and the other devices influence the sleep position?

                      I think I have to write something about it again. i wasn't able to sleep on my side at first either, but my body subconsciously remembers the positions where it doesn't get uncomfortable. it's like having a broken leg, you can easily get into a position where it hurts, but when you sleep your body does it all automatically. sometimes it's a matter of centimeters for me, but i think if i turn into an uncomfortable position while sleeping, then my body notices it and automatically puts me in a comfortable position

                      Ines and soon a Chinese cable one.

                      it's about the rules like in your uncle's house i.e. what sports, swimming etc. are concerned?