Greatcornbow Damien Damien Damien The Abus padlock on the back unduly disturbs the wearer's sleep, unfortunately. But maybe a radial lock wouldn't have this problem?
Sasha Greatcornbow That’s really interesting. Maybe I’m weird or just really committed to my chastity, but I’d actually like having a drill resistant lock with those trap pins in it. Though for emergency safety reasons probably not the best idea
Laura Sasha but I’d actually like having a drill resistant lock with those trap pins in it I'm afraid my parents would like to have it too
Joh Sasha Maybe I’m weird or just really committed to my chastity, but I’d actually like having a drill resistant lock with those trap pins in it. I think it is not necessary. A good lock like Abus EC75 will do the job. we have recommended lock-picking but all have rejected it because of the risk compared to the dexterity required. The Abus lock requires even more practice and skill. I think it is sufficiently secure for most people.
Angelina Sasha Maybe I’m weird or just really committed to my chastity, but I’d actually like having a drill resistant lock with those trap pins in it. you just want the belt to stop any attempt of cheating by you, this is normal with your attitude towards the belt, you want it to stay locked 😉
Sasha Joh I know. I’m probably an odd case though in that I like wearing my gear. Somehow knowing that there’s no possible way to take it off other than what the rules allow seems right to me
Renita Joh A good lock like Abus EC75 will do the job. I'm locked with this one now. Sasha I like wearing my gear. Somehow knowing that there’s no possible way to take it off other than what the rules allow seems right to me Me too.
Laura Sasha Somehow knowing that there’s no possible way to take it off other than what the rules allow seems right to me Does this apply to your mom as well?
Joh Sasha I know. I’m probably an odd case though in that I like wearing my gear. Somehow knowing that there’s no possible way to take it off other than what the rules allow seems right to me If you are not very talented at lock-picking, this type of lock is invincible to you. It will be easier to break the lock or the belt. So you would archive your wish that their is no other way to get the belt of as your rules allow it. Renita I'm locked with this one now. And, do you file more save?
Greatcornbow Renita File? I just looked at the lock and it was EC75. Abus EC75 is pretty good as padkicks go. Not as good as radial but Neosteel does not use those.
Renita Greatcornbow Abus EC75 is pretty good as padkicks go Mom ordered it separately to make lockpicking harder.
MissBlossom Angelina I love my belt (most of the time), and I would NEVER want trap pins in it. If I ever go to a locksmith for help, it will be because multiple bad things have already gone terribly wrong, and I wouldn't want anything else to make it worse.
Angelina MissBlossom i don't think this is a good idea either, i just wanted to say that i can understand the moral attitude
Greatcornbow Renita Mom ordered it separately to make lockpicking harder. Much the best way,if ordered by KH and NOT wearer; to ensure wearer hasn't got and can't get a spare key
Renita Greatcornbow if ordered by KH and NOT wearer; to ensure wearer hasn't got and can't get a spare key Or if ordered somewhere else.