@Carlos I talked with my wife about your situation. She cames with an alternative solution to manage your parents:
I'm writing it because her english is not very good and she fears that something could get lost with automatic translators.
@Milady2 idea: "Ask to talk with the one in your family that pushes more the belt agenda. Tell him/her you want to talk about the belt, alone and in physical presence. Stay very calm. If you feel, record the conversation.
Explain to him/her that you will never stay a single second in the belt again no matter what. Tell them that you will do anything in your power to avoid it. So they must never again mention it. They must never get in contact with your ex-girlfriend. he/she has to speak with the entire family explaining that the theme is forbidden even as a joke.
Suppose he/she accepts, all better. Thank him/her and leave.
If he/she protests or anything else that is not accepting, tell that you have been belted at 16, and this is a crime. You have talked with your legal/authority/therapist (true or not) and you can file a criminal report. your parents risk prison.
You have collected enough proof to sue all of them, you have plenty of messages.
Then explain calmly that while you don't want to use such extreme measures, you will if you feel your newfound freedom threatened, and this includes destroying your family. Stay calm! do not accept provocations!
Calmly explain that you will consider indirect pressure in the same way.
Be adamant on that, accept no compromise. Note that this can be very useful if other relatives want to be free too. You can ask freedom for them too"
This is my wife's idea.