Angelina ah, I'm used to it. It's not like I don't feel anything more, I do feel a little bit, just by far not enough to have an orgasm when ejaculating.

Max9 I dunno about the PA. Yeah, I've heard many good things about it from many guys, but it neither looks comfortable nor healthy at all.

The PA is relatively painless and quick to heal as the skin pierced is actually very thin. Up to a certain size ring the piercing is mostly reversible, but beyond that you're stuck with it. A PA does tend to interfere with urination making the stream direction kinda random and chaotic. The ring does add a degree of new sensation. And finally, the PA does give a huge increase in security of a chastity device effectively preventing pull-out.

    Kaja It looks like genital mutilation for me

    That's my reaction to clitoral hood piercings and I'm a girl.

      Avery Actually a VCH is easy, reversible, and gives greatly enhanced pleasure (according to a couple of my female friends).

        bdsamm Actually a VCH is easy, reversible, and gives greatly enhanced pleasure (according to a couple of my female friends).

        I'll take your word for it, Sam!

        Kaja Do you have ears pierced? A tattoo? I guess body modification, and whether mods are okay, is a very personal choice. I wouldn't myself link the PA to the awful practice of genital mutilation though. They seem worlds apart to me, but I respect your view.

        Kaja It looks like genital mutilation for me

        for me too, but i am generally very sceptical about body modifications.

        Anyway, I hope folk can agree that circumcision of the entire foreskin is a much more radical modification than a 3mm piecing and that anyone considering either should really think about the consequences and be absolutely sure.

          Here in the US circumcision is fairly common. However, with my 2 sons (both now in their 20s) when they were born, we said no. You would be shocked how much pressure the doctor and hospital put on us to have circumcision. Everything from "they are going to look different from other boys in the locker room of school" to "you know you are going to have to teach them hygiene, right?". We stood our ground and said no to circumcision. We both felt it is their body and their choice to make. An infant cannot make such a decision.

            Kai "Have to teach him hygiene". The horror!

            Also, I am pretty sure that any boy in a school locker room who notices something about another boy's penis will be pretending he did not see anything because he would have to admit where he was looking.

              Kai when they were born, we said no. You would be shocked how much pressure the doctor and hospital put on us to have circumcision.

              Yes, my mother told me she had to do the very same thing.

              Kai We both felt it is their body and their choice to make. An infant cannot make such a decision.

              Strongly agree.

              Jonas Anyway, I hope folk can agree that circumcision of the entire foreskin is a much more radical modification than a 3mm piecing and that anyone considering either should really think about the consequences and be absolutely sure.

              should not be an inappropriate comparison, of course a small piercing is not comparable to a circumcision

              youdontknowme Also, I am pretty sure that any boy in a school locker room who notices something about another boy's penis will be pretending he did not see anything because he would have to admit where he was looking.

              one of the best posts i have ever read here, thank you 😂

              2 years later

              I was circumcised back then because my foreskin had become narrower. I still have a foreskin, however. It has just been widened. The advantage is that it can be cleaned thoroughly, even when it is closed. A disadvantage is that the foreskin can get stuck in the air holes in the tube and that can be painful. At first I also had problems with edema, but that has gone away. In general, I am happier this way because it has significantly improved hygiene. The glans has become more sensitive, however.