Vanessa I don't mean doing breaks,but reducing it step by step.For example,if smoking 20 cigarettes a day,reduce it to 15,and,after some time,10,then 5,then 2,then 1,and finally,0.
that's how i meant it and that's how i would advise every smoker who wants to quit but has problems to do so as well.
Vanessa I agree,but,if it is an abstinence belt at first,it should not be used as a chastity belt,if the wearer don't agree with it.
that's exactly how it is and if so, the deal should be discussed again completely anew
Jonas Ah, I tried this, but I found cutting back to be a torture. You're left always craving and waiting for your next chance
I try the same thing every year after christmas with chocolate, not comparable, but also very difficult. 😂