Getting a job, so you can be free from chastity
Trismegistus Of course you should safely experience intimacy, and don’t worry about that. I’m sure she expects it and will comfort you.
Sounds like you’re on the right track though, these things are a tool after all right?
Trismegistus I'm concerned that after so long in the cb, I'll cum too fast when we make love.
If this happens just keep on and continue to try to satisfy her with your hands and mouth. At your age you will get another erection in maybe 20 minutes and can now start again. This time you will last longer as it's your second time. If problems do occur learn to laugh it off together and keep doing what you can and things will work out. There's no script you have to follow, concentrate on mutual enjoyment.
I've heard of guys masturbating before they join their girl to make love. This slows them down. It's an alternative IF you have problems.
Avery I've heard of guys masturbating before they join their girl to make love. This slows them down. It's an alternative IF you have problems.
@Trismegistus Watch " There's Something About Mary" that should explain everything.
Trismegistus Not only with my tongue
But if she worn a chastity belt, you couldn't pleasure her and you would be in the same situation.
Trismegistus My girl is abstaining from masturbation when we're not together
A chastity belt for her would be very helpful in that.
Laura who can't get rid of her own belt
Because I don't really want to.
Avery Best pleasure is shared in love.
Trismegistus I don't want to keep it. My philosophy is that growing up is becoming independent. My father thinks I'm just too rebellious, but my gf thinks I'm right to be unhappy about the belt.
We're dating almost one year, and I want her someday to be my wife.
that all sounds good, tell your father so. he should either give you the keys when you move out or you should break the padlock. you don't have to destroy the whole belt, just the padlock.
Trismegistus I'm concerned that after so long in the cb, I'll cum too fast when we make love.
maybe you should masturbate an hour before or so? then the chance that you hold out longer is higher (I think)
Laura She once asked me if I would agree her to keep the keys, if my father gives them to me. I'm still not sure I would like to be locked anymore. If there are any benefits for our relationship, I would do it for her.
Angelina maybe you should masturbate an hour before or so? then the chance that you hold out longer is higher (I think)
I'm not sure I still remember how to masturbate after so long in the belt
Trismegistus Test it and find out. If after some time you have the need to locked again than do it.
Trismegistus I'm not sure I still remember how to masturbate after so long in the belt
It is natural. You will mange it.
Trismegistus Like suddenly sharing a flat all day every day in pandemy, like a new home office job instead of being away 10hrs a day, unlocking a belted partner will create change in the dynamic of the relationship. @Angelina and you will experience that change soon, and I'm sure it will be great, but I'm also very curious to hear about some funny little side effects
Anyway, do take your six weeks off before you even consider relocking please.
Trismegistus She once asked me if I would agree her to keep the keys
Would she be interested? Because if I was her I wouldn't
Laura It was just a tease IMO. We're both craving something we still can't experience. I prefer not to use chastity in our relationship. Trust between partners doesn't need any devices to guarantee it.
Trismegistus It was just a tease IMO.
Then ask her seriously if she wants you to keep the belt
Laura Then ask her seriously if she wants you to keep the belt
@Trismegistus Don't do that. You said you want out of the belt. Get out of it the best way you can. Why would a belt be a part of your relationship? You are normal people. If you lose your girl you also lose your apartment and are back with your father.