youdontknowme As much as @Jonas may have a point that the most effective self improvement would derive from completely forsaking sexual pleasure
I see what you're getting at but I don't think blocking masturbation is just the most effective way forward, I see other ways as being ineffective. It;s like being on a diet and being told "You're banned from going to any restaurant!!! ...But you can consume what you like at home."*
Cold turkey only way to regain control, in my view (and experience).
I do not think it will be an easy task to sell Jane on that.
I don't think it should be thought of as a sale. It's an offer: A serious solution to a serious problem.
I'm surprised that other people here haven't suggested therapy, sobriety groups, or other more standard approaches yet. Harmful behaviour isn't okay. We should not support people's will when their behaviour is risky, self-destructive, or harmful to others. We should condemn the behaviour and offer help to the person.