MissBlossom The Yaber can deliver 2 amps (2000 mA) for 6 hours straight, theoretically. The Anker can deliver 2 amps for 10 hours. If it takes 2 hours to charge your phone from completely from dead, the Yaber can charge it 3 times before it needs to charged itself. The Anker can do 5 charges.
I have the Anker or a model like it and am pleased with it. It is about the same size as a phone so I can carry the both in a shirt pocket (it's a tight fit) while charging. The Yaber is too big for that.

    Tjc The Yaber can deliver 2 amps (2000 mA) for 6 hours straight, theoretically.

    At 3.6 volts, 5 volts, 12 volts, or the same at any of them?

      MissBlossom At 3.6 volts, 5 volts, 12 volts, or the same at any of them?

      At 5 volts. Traditional USB is 5 volts. Some of the newer USB-C power supplies allow the device (like a phone or tablet or iPad) to negotiate a higher voltage and higher amperage to allow faster charging. These devices are marked PD (Power Delivery)

      • Owl replied to this.


        Sorry, but may I suggest you read up on electricity in your physics book? I am actually correct.

        Watt is the unit of electric 'work" and is defined as Energy (in Joule) per second.
        So a light bulb of 60 Watts consumes 60 Joule of Energy per second.
        Joule is defined as Volt X Ampere X Second.
        Battery capacity is typically given in Ampere (current it can deliver) hours. Meaning it tells you what current can be delivered over a defined time.


          I wil try to use an equivalent so you can. visualise electric units more easily.

          Ampere is the unit of current. Imagine flowing water instead of electricity. and this would be how much water is flowing.
          Volt is the unit of the electric potential. So as water flows downhill, you can imagine this to be the difference in altitude.
          If you let water flow downhill, it has an amount of energy which depends on the strength of the flow (current) and the difference in altitude. Hence it can drive for example a turbine.
          Ampere X Voltage = Watt = Joule X Second

            Voltage has nothing to do with the energy content of a battery. You need a given voltage to drive something, so you best look at voltage as a separate factor that just has to match between battery and device you want to power.
            Energy content is measured in Ampere hours.
            Ampere is the current (imagine the flowing water). If your current is stronger, the content of a given bucket of water will flow over less time until it is empty. And vice versa, reduce current to a trickle and it will flow for a very long time.


              I kindly suggest splitting all messages from the "Frustration-"Thread since https://unwedchastity.org/d/907-frustration/127 incl. the one at hand to a separate "Batteries and Charging"-Thread.

              Besides, regarding fast charging and in addition to Tjc's correct remarks ...

              Tjc At 5 volts. Traditional USB is 5 volts. Some of the newer USB-C power supplies allow the device (like a phone or tablet or iPad) to negotiate a higher voltage and higher amperage to allow faster charging. These devices are marked PD (Power Delivery)

              ... I just want to say, that besides USB Power Delivery there have been further proprietary fast charging techniques - like Qualcomm Quickcharge, Samsung [...] Fast Charging, ... etc. I presume most predate USB-PD, yet some seem to have gotten additional revisions after USB-PD arrived. Generally, if you don't know by heart, you have to look up and check involved devices' specs (incl cables!) to find out which "standards" they are compatible with.

              For more details: See a (heavily ad-ridden but relatively comprehensive) overview here: https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/how-does-fast-charging-work/

                WriterAlexis No, energy is what counts in the end. Actually from an engineering point of view energy that the battery can provide in an acceptable voltage/current range.

                OTOH, for specific batteries (e.g. for cell phones), the voltage is usually well understood, so you can get away with specifying the current.

                For DC, UIt gives you energy. And for AC it gets way more complicated, which might be also a reason why EV batteries that are capable to be charged via built in AC chargers are specified via Wh which nicely hides all that complexity without being wrong.

                Owl It's even more complcated. Quickcharge 4 is a rebadged PD.

                (Happens all the time: Thunderbold 4 is actually USB4 with a number of optional features ticked as non-optional. Thunderbold 3 OTOH was a completely different beast, as "extend your PCIe bus over a cable" thing. Which is if I remember correctly, interestingly an optional feature of TB4 ports for backward compatibility)

                Don't know what your problem is.

                "John" solved her car problem, as she mentioned that her husband was at the moment busy and not available.

                Very problem solving oriented. 😆

                WriterAlexis If you get hurt on a scooter, you were probably doing something dumb. Like riding an electric scooter.

                best comment and 100% agreement 😂 👍

                But please, this no longer has anything to do with frustration, even if my frustration about the ban on combustion cars is very strong

                  Angelina But please, this no longer has anything to do with frustration

                  I'm frustrated with the contradictory answers in this thread! lol

                  TP-Link explains it at https://www.tp-link.com/us/support/faq/741/
                  The charge capacity of a battery bank is typically just the charge that can be held by the cells inside. So to get the power, multiply with 3.6 V for a single cell in series.

                  It is not the most sensible definition for what is essentially a black box with 5 V input and output, certainly not the definition I would have chosen had I engineered this. But that is what happens when there are no formal standards and device manufacturers just keep copying off each other. Any more sensible definition could not possibly be introduced without creating a formal standard, since those definitions would yield smaller numbers and thus not be competitive.

                  There is one upside to that definition though - phone batteries use the same definition for their charge capacity (mAh at 3.6 V), so if you know the size of your phone battery and the size of your power bank, you can quickly calculate how often you can recharge your phone from that power bank. Of course, that is after you take into account the inefficiencies of charging that TP-Link outlines in the above article.


                  @Laura , please can you split the entire thread since this point? A new thread about electricity, batteries, chargers...

                  I don't think I would feel safe in a Tesla. I hear their batteries catch on fire.

                    WriterAlexis No need for it to be a Tesla. The house of my family burnt down because our the battery of our neighbours car caught fire and it was a VW.


                    There is a slight difference between your pocketbook and the vehicle you are enclosed in erupting into flames.

                      And of course the amount of energy going into that fire. Average Celle phone battery: 4000 mAh = 4 Ah. Average battery in an electric car: 80 kAh = 80,000 Ah. So about 20,000 times larger.

                      • Sara replied to this.

                        curious It's so cute when boys try to do math 😉. A car battery is 80kwh, a phone is about 20wh. You are confusing your units.

                        Ironically, the battery thing you should be afraid of are Electric Scooters; they've destroyed far more property and hurt more people than probably any other battery equipped device. <<end snark>>