WriterAlexis If you get hurt on a scooter, you were probably doing something dumb. Like riding an electric scooter.

best comment and 100% agreement 😂 👍

But please, this no longer has anything to do with frustration, even if my frustration about the ban on combustion cars is very strong

    Angelina But please, this no longer has anything to do with frustration

    I'm frustrated with the contradictory answers in this thread! lol

    TP-Link explains it at https://www.tp-link.com/us/support/faq/741/
    The charge capacity of a battery bank is typically just the charge that can be held by the cells inside. So to get the power, multiply with 3.6 V for a single cell in series.

    It is not the most sensible definition for what is essentially a black box with 5 V input and output, certainly not the definition I would have chosen had I engineered this. But that is what happens when there are no formal standards and device manufacturers just keep copying off each other. Any more sensible definition could not possibly be introduced without creating a formal standard, since those definitions would yield smaller numbers and thus not be competitive.

    There is one upside to that definition though - phone batteries use the same definition for their charge capacity (mAh at 3.6 V), so if you know the size of your phone battery and the size of your power bank, you can quickly calculate how often you can recharge your phone from that power bank. Of course, that is after you take into account the inefficiencies of charging that TP-Link outlines in the above article.


    @Laura , please can you split the entire thread since this point? A new thread about electricity, batteries, chargers...

    I don't think I would feel safe in a Tesla. I hear their batteries catch on fire.

      WriterAlexis No need for it to be a Tesla. The house of my family burnt down because our the battery of our neighbours car caught fire and it was a VW.


      There is a slight difference between your pocketbook and the vehicle you are enclosed in erupting into flames.

        And of course the amount of energy going into that fire. Average Celle phone battery: 4000 mAh = 4 Ah. Average battery in an electric car: 80 kAh = 80,000 Ah. So about 20,000 times larger.

        • Sara replied to this.

          curious It's so cute when boys try to do math 😉. A car battery is 80kwh, a phone is about 20wh. You are confusing your units.

          Ironically, the battery thing you should be afraid of are Electric Scooters; they've destroyed far more property and hurt more people than probably any other battery equipped device. <<end snark>>


            "Math is hard." -ancient popular culture icon

            His units are correct. Battery capacity is measured in units of current x time.
            Watts are a unit of power, which is energy/time.

            thing you should be afraid of are Electric Scooters

            Electric scooters are simply the Darwinian selection mechanism of our time. If you get hurt on a scooter, you were probably doing something dumb. Like riding an electric scooter.

              WriterAlexis Battery capacity is sometimes given as charge, sometimes as energy. Which is used is not completely consistent, but charge is more popular for single cells (e.g. phone, AA cells), energy is more popular for multi-cell batteries, like in laptops, cars or power tools, to give a few examples.

              And watt-hours are a unit of energy, since it is power times time.


                charge is more popular for single cells (e.g. phone, AA cells), energy is more popular for multi-cell batteries

                I am most accustomed to comparing external battery phone chargers.

                I wonder if energy is used as the unit for larger batteries because recharge time is highly consequential?

                  WriterAlexis I think one part of it is that energy is easier to compare across different cell layouts than charge. With power tools, for example, you might have a device that runs on 14.4 V compete against a 10.8 V and an 18 V device. The 10.8 V device could have a much weaker battery than the others in terms of real-life workload it can perform and still beat out the 18 V battery in terms of raw mAh.

                    @Ines @Laura , please can you split the entire thread since this point? A new thread about electricity, batteries, chargers...


                    My sister's LOVENSE Lush 3 comes with a Li-Ion Rechargeable battery and a USB charging cable for maximum user convenience. What a great country.

                      I've been reading Wikipedia (always dangerous) and I've found some contradictions.

                      curious Watt is the unit of electric 'work" and is defined as Energy (in Joule) per second.

                      According to Wikipedia, work is measured in Joules, not Joules per second, and Watt is the unit of power, not work.


                      curious Ampere X Voltage = Watt = Joule X Second

                      According to Wikipedia, "the unit of power is the watt (W), which is equal to one joule per second" not Joules x Seconds.


                      curious Voltage has nothing to do with the energy content of a battery.

                      curious Energy content is measured in Ampere hours.

                      According to Wikipedia, Kilowatt-hours is a measurement of energy and amp-hours is a measurement of charge.


                      And since Watt-hours = Watts x hours = volts x amps x hours, I don't see how it's possible that "Voltage has nothing to do with the energy content of a battery."

                      I'm not sure who's right between @Tjc, @youdontknowme, @WriterAlexis, and @George, but I'm pretty sure it's not @curious.


                        My sister's LOVENSE Lush 3 comes with a Li-Ion Rechargeable battery

                        My new order of places I don't want a battery fire-

                        1. Something 'twixt my nethers.
                        2. Vehicle I am riding in.
                        3. Phone in pocketbook/clutch.