Possible Adverse Medical Issues Arising Out Of Chastity Belt Use:

Skin Rashes/Irritation (m/f)

  • Mechanical Irritation

  • Irritation Due To Non-Biocompatible Materials

  • Irritation Arising out of Insufficient Air Reaching Skin

Sepsis/Toxic Shock (f)

Urinary Tract Infection (m?/f)

Interference With Normal Circulatory Function (Ischemia) (m/f)

  • Skin

  • Internal Organ

Blood Clots In Pelvic Region (m/f)

Interference with Normal Alimentary (Intestinal) Function (m/f)

Interference With Normal Lymphatic Function (m/f)

Interference with Normal Gall Bladder/Liver Function (m/f) (Yes, yes, I know. The liver is part of the lymphatic system.)

Traumatic Injury to Penis Resulting From Attempted Suppression of the Male Erection (m)

Testicular Injuries (m):

  • Blunt-Force Trauma

  • Testicular Tortion

Interference With Normal Urinary Function (m):

  • Compression of Prostate Gland and/or Urethra

Issues Arising Out Of Suppression of the Male Nocturnal Erection (m):

  • Bruising

  • Permanent Damage to Blood Vessels

  • Peyronie’s Disease (m). Could wearing a chastity belt give a man Peyronie’s Disease? Let’s just say I hope I never find out.

    Most of these are mitigated by a belt that fits correctly and is monitored to be sure the wear does not change body shape without be properly refitted. This could be re-bending the belt for correct fit or adjusting the size of the waistband and shield.
    Experience from a very small sample (me) suggests that there are no longer teem effects from Suppression of the Male Nocturnal Erection. After many years of mostly continuous wearing, I still function properly.
    But it is necessary to watch for all of these conditions and treat or correct them promptly to ensure successful use of a belt.

      Ines Nice summary, but most of problems only exist with a very bad use of chastity belts and very bad measured belts.

      consider the allergic reactions of the skin, because the 10€ belt on alibaba also looked nice 😉


        They are not chastity belts 😖.
        It is similar to the "sunglasses" of cheap webs.

        These issues are important and relevant. I don’t like the fact that so many of you wish to make them go away with a wave of the hand.


          Ines, I guess you are right about the liver not being part of the lymphatic system. I apologize for the error.


          And you’re living on a faraway planet if you think that any reputable medical doctor would sign a form saying that the Brand X Model Y chastity belt is “safe”, and ought to be approved as a medical device by the US Food and Drug Administration.


            I was not making criticism, Audio, all of them were serious issues and some behaviors narrated on some of our terror tales are open doors for these problems.

            5 days later
            2 months later


            <<Traumatic Injury to Penis Resulting From Attempted Suppression of the Male Erection (m) >>

            Added that.

            20 days later

            It is good to not wear to 24/7.