youdontknowme would say parents are still a better keyholder than some stranger on the internet whose intentions are hard to judge, but it must be clear that it can only ever be about the wearer's well-being.
Interesting point here. I would say, for a minor, no keyholding at all from an adult (I will go to the police). Ready to talk about the situation
For an adult albeit young… between parent and a complete stranger there could be a lot of possibilities. Boy/girlfriend, Same aged cousins, friend, etc
But let me introduce a counter argument. If a young adult have a random guy who n the internet as a keyholder, and he refuse, or blackmail, or menace him/her, what is the exit strategy?
Of course parents. I will help my son no matter what, and every parent will. Probably embarrassing, not easy, but totally doable.
If a conflict arise with keyholding parents, who will be the exit strategy?