I'm Dilly, come from Alabama and I wear a my-steel chastity belt since a bit over three months now and I don't know how this is going to affect me.

    I'm Vanessa,23 years old and having to wear my chastity belt permanently since a bit more than 2 years now,even if I experienced it often as a punishment before.I come from France and have done the final exams for my Master(waiting for the results presently)and plan starting to look for a job soon.

      Wow thank you so much Laura, it is so much more relaxing to know it is just us here.
      I am Megan 28 / Female, I have been around real female chastity since my earliest memories. Before I even knew about my Mothers Tollyboy that she loves I was given multiple pairs of underwear to wear or have always had something as long as I can remember but now I have a pretty complete collection. I am very youthful and full figured maybe still a little to much muscular as I use exercise to relax and sleep.

      @Megan @Vanessa @Laura

      I just wanted to say thank you for that place and the opportunity to be here and especially for taking me seriously.

      how did your parents come to the idea that you may need a chastity belt?

        Hi all,

        Laura, thank you very much for this place! I haven't been on misterpoll since a while and now I find this wonderful forum!
        There's a lot to tell from my side, but currently I am quite busy.

        To introduce myself:
        I am Catherine, 20, female, from Germany and currently student. Almost 3 years ago, my parents proposed to make me wear a chastity belt and as a trade-off, they pay for all my expenses. Since 2.5 years, I wear it 24/7 and my mom holds the key. I became used to it, but I dislike cb wearing from the beginning.


          Mainly for "sexual offenses",as traditionnal punishments,like spankings ou groundings,didn't work well for punishing me for such offenses.It was used as punsihment at first,not permanent wearing(and it is still a punishment for my twin,he doesn't have to wear his chastity cage permanently).


          Glad you come here too;as Laura,I'm looking forward to read your news.

          Wearing 24/7...Have you managed to keep your free day,however?

          @Raziel welcome to the forum. As I understand you right you are not married, but sexually active. Would you agree to wait until marriage? Maybe you can ask your parents or other relatives to hold the keys. It really depends on your situation. As for me I'm always for male chastity, believing guys also must wait.



          Are you always able to resist to use the keys,when you have urges and would like to relieve these urges?

          About your idea for security keys,there is locks in some sort of plastic(sometimes used for locking plastic chastity cages),which can be cut easily,but with a serial number...So,if cut,even if replaced by another one,the serial number won't be the same.

          I think too it is more fair your girlfriend would have to wear a chastity belt too.Some people can be surprised I say it,as I'm totally against Emilie(my girlfriend)having to wear one,but,in my case,I must wear it reluctantly,while,in your case,it is a choice.Very different context.And I think I may like to use it as a game with Emilie,if I was free to use it or not.

          Spending good time together with a girlfriend and wearing it is not impossible,only wear your chastity cage(and belt for her)when you're not together,and open it as soon as you've enough time alone together.Even if living together,it can be used duirng work,travel...

            Vanessa only wear your chastity cage(and belt for her)when you're not together,and open it as soon as you've enough time alone together

            I think the idea should be opposite, e.g. to stay locked when they are together.

              Hi, I'm Sara from Germany. I'm 18 Years old. After 4 month of "training" almost 24/7. I'm very happy that I have found this place to talk to others. My parents wants my to stay belted until marriage, but for now I don't even have a boyfriend. Till now I was not brave enough to start dating and risking someone to find out about the belt outside of my home.

              Right now I'm between school and my apprenticeship that will start in September. So I'm at home most of the time.

                Sara2001 I'm very happy that I have found this place to talk to others.

                Hi, Sara. Welcome to the forum. That's great you were able to find us. That's our goal.

                Sara2001 but for now I don't even have a boyfriend. Till now I was not brave enough to start dating and risking someone to find out about the belt outside of my home.

                I felt the same when I was in your age and afraid to date.

                Sara2001 Right now I'm between school and my apprenticeship that will start in September

                Which trade will your study during your apprenticeship?

                  welcome Sara! Nice to have you here! I'm finally not the new girl here anymore!
                  I seem to be in the situation you've been in a couple of years ago.

                  Thank and @Dilly for the nice welcome here.

                  I found this place because of misterpoll. I followed the discussion there for a while, but please don't think I can relate anything to you. To many posts 😁

                  @Laura Starting a relationship is still a big thing in my mind. I think I have to gain more self confidence to start it with the belt. I think it could be awesome to have someone on your side.

                  My apprenticeship is about software development. It's 3 or maybe 2,5 years at a company in my home city.

                    Sara2001 I found this place because of misterpoll. I followed the discussion there for a while, but please don't think I can relate anything to you. To many posts

                    Yes, misterpoll is a mix of different topics in the single thread and hard to find there. That's one of the reasons we have built this forum.

                    Sara2001 My apprenticeship is about software development. It's 3 or maybe 2,5 years at a company in my home city.

                    Do you agree to wear your belt for the apprenticeship, despite your are 18 already?


                      welcome here! Not easy to find a serious place for discussing issues about chastity belts.

                      Seems you are in a similar situation like most of us here. After 3 years you made quite a lot experience. Do you somehow consent to wear a cb, or is it just required by your parents? Are there frequent breaks for you? And which model do you wear?


                        It was never a topic to discuss in our family. Since I have to wear the belt, it was clear to me that I have to wear it at least till marriage. I'm pretty sure my parents would love it when a future husband would keep me belted. I hope this will not happen, luckily it's my choice who I marry 😃

                        My parents (especially my father) think that a young woman should not focus on her sexual pleasure but focus on education and becoming a good wife. I mostly agree with them.

                        For me it's not a big difference that I'm 18 now. I know that from a legal aspects my parents are not allowed to keep me belted without my consense, no matter how old I am. But the consequence would be to go to the police and make everything public. My parents would be in very serious trouble and the harmony in our family would be destroyed. I really love my whole family. I don't want to risk this.

                        I think after the apprenticeship it will be very easy to find a job and it is something I like. Another good point is that it doesn't require to much movement 🙁

                          I wear the cable version of a my-steel.

                          I don't get many breaks. There is a supervised break every Sunday morning. During this break the hygiene things that are necessary will be done. Beside this there are no more regular breaks. The last two years in school I had no sport class, so my parents didn't even see the need to let me go to school without the belt. I begged my father a lot, but without any success.