Laura The waistband is made from metal with soft plastic around it (the metal is outside, the skin only touches the plastic). The waistband is on the hips, so I think it's a hip-type belt. In the front on the middle there's a thing with a lock that locks the left and the right parts of the waistband with the tip of the middle part that goes between legs. (it's impossible to put the belt on or off without unlocking it). The middle part starts with the part attached to the lock that's also metal with plastic but more wide, then it turns into a "dome" that completely covers uh... my private parts, and has a slightly raised metal sheet with a bunch of holes (i think that's the secondary shield? it doesn't look removable though). After that there's a metal cable that connects all of that to the back of the waistband.
So far I only have to wear it at home, which makes it much easier, but i'm still so annoyed by the "reason" I have to wear it in the first place - its so stupid.