I’m new here. I am a 19 years old male living in Germany .
I have to wear a cage for more than 3 years now. This is by „request“ of my parents since I ran in big trouble when I was 15 years old and had a lot of teenage unprotected stupid sex with other girls…
Vanessa Why do you belted yourself
I belted myself after hearing from my mom about the advantages of staying chaste.
Vanessa You dated him for how long,before giving him the keys?
About six months
Vanessa So,at first,it was meant to prevent you to masturbate?Does your boyfriend allow it?
No, he does not allow it. He's quite strict actually.
Laura ok, yes it takes 2 to get pregnant. You might be right. But this does not change anything for me.
my parents spent a lot of money to prevent further escalation. No police, no Court.
but therefore it’s their rules.
turning 18 years old I was offered removal of the cage if I decided for vasectomy.
still locked .
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Laura idk. No contact afterwards anymore
Max9 north of bavarian
Shrop no sexual relief allowed. My parents are really strict. In the beginning i was locked in a plastic cage, cb6000 first, then the short version that fitted better. Now I am to wear a metal belt from China that fits perfectly. I really got used to it.
Max9 too dumb, too horny and not aware of the consequences.
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I'm very glad that you decided not to go with a vasectomy there will be plenty of time for that when you have raised a family. You would just be losing your fertility and I'm sure you would have still been re-locked as soon as you had misbehaved. From memory there are three types of vasectomy. The simple where the vas deferens are cut. This has the possibility of spontainious reversal where the cut ends rejoin durig the healing process. To prevent this the normal version done today involves tying the tubes back on themselves. There is a third version where as turning the tubes back on themselves about ! cm of tube is also removed. I think this op is almost impossible to reverse and would have been the version you would have had. When did you start masturbating and were you told not to? How many girls did you go with and have you ever done anything with another guy? Prior to being locked how often were you orgasming?
Shrop thank you for sharing your vast knowledge with me. I appreciate. For sure this was no option for me.
For sure I would have misbehaved immediately.
I started masturbating at 12 or 13.
I did it hidden and my parents did not know about my habit.
Except the three girls I made pregnant I never went with another girl.
Yes I tried once with another guy. Since I milk my prostate from time to time, I had the idea of getting orgasm by giving arse. Hurt a lot and no relief by anal.
prior being locked I had 2 or 3 orgasms a day, mostly by enjoying myself.
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Karsten you've had about 3 thousand Orgasms. when was your last one? Were you told not to masturbate or touch your penis as you were growing up? When you were with the other guy was that before or after you were caged? I hope that you have now got over the blip with the girls and are studying hard. Who knows you've been caged apart from your parents? If you can I'd strongly advise against milking you don't want to set up habits that you only release semen that way without having an errection. Good luck with your studies over the next couple of years.