Lana Welcome back and nice you decided to write again.
How are you doing and how is your situation now?
Any big change or second thought because of your decision?


welcome back 🙂 it was probably a good decision not to delete the profile? 😉
is there any exciting news or changes with you ?

Lana Hello, I know I quit this forum but I felt I needed to talk people about chastity, so since i am on vacation, i will be active here only for a few days and then i am gone. So hope you dont mind me.

Welcome back. It is okay and even a good idea to take a break sometime.

You don't have to report back anything to us unless you feel like it.

I am just glad you are well.

Lana I dont get it, do you really want to be locked all the time willingly. Why?

It makes everything feel better not to have contact until it is time for that.
Like a gentle support like wearing Hoka shoes

Hello everyone, I am 33 old man from Czechia and topic of this forum is very interesting to me

    Dominik89 Hi, welcome.

    Do you have any chastity experience?

    Maybe I am standing of different side, here many girls/womans are submissive, but in my relationship I am who is locked in chastity belt and has domestic discipline where head of household is my girlfriend 🙂

    • Kaja replied to this.

      Dominik89 Whot type of cb do you have?
      Do you wear it 24/7? Do you have breaks?
      When you started wearing it?

      Tell us your story 😉.

      Hope that it is not a problem that me as man I am submissive, my girlfriend has discovered this forum and told me to create a account for inspiration and talk with other people under chastity belt or those that accept domestic discipline approach.

      My girlfriedn locked me 2 years ago , after may be half year of "dating" He helped me to discover my inner "life setting" and to be honest for me it is better when responsibility for our relationship I put to my GF. She loves it a lot. She is working as HR manager and we made and agreement about the roles and rules as well as penalty for breaking the rules. I wear neosteel belt but she want to substitute it for fancy steel with remote controller. I read some review here for both types of chastity belts I wear it almost pernamently, each week she unlocks me for a few minutes, check the health status, or if more cleaning is needed and then locked up again.

        Dominik89 Well, we are not an FLR community, but we can sure discuss about serious non-fetish chastity.
        Maybe some sites like chastitymansion or evolvingyourman will interrest your even more.

        Oh, and welcome by the way.

        I guess if you only get unlocked for health checks and hygiene and not for premarital sex, your lifestyle fits this forum better than most guys locked by their girlfriends. But yeah, that remote control is probably beyond our scope.

        Dominik89 What is difference between M(ale)LR that is decribed here by many members and FLR?

        A significant number of the girls here grew up in conservative households where patriarchy is the norm.

          Thank you for you point of view. Because as you said many girls/womans here grew up under strict rules and many of them keep this state of mind until now, I can find here a lof of experience and inspirations.

          Hello and welcome.
          Please feel yourself comfortable and read the rules.

            Kaja she prefers EDITED She says that keeping me in chastity means that I fully belonging to her as well as my schedule is prioritizing according to her needs.