I would suggest a women only section.
A Forum Thought
Joh Making it more difficult for the same person to say they are under 18 in one thread and participate in "spicy talk" in another would already do a lot to keep the forum clean.
- Edited
youdontknowme I understand the intention but I see no way to proof the gender or age if you do not want an official ID.
curious Remember, this is a chastity community. Cage fighting looks like this:
youdontknowme Wooooow!
One wonders the victory conditions.
Probably a bit like arm wrestling or tug of war. First one to fill out the entire length (or, if there is a time limit, whoever is over the center line when the time runs out) wins.
The winner will surely be the underdog featured in a slickly cut training montage set to upbeat 80s music.
WriterAlexis Gonna be a very unusual training montage though.
Apologies to Ines for probably needing to split a whole lot of off-topic posts.
Ines A very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very BORING area for them. Believe me.
I disagree, so let’s just test it and see who’s right
In general, however, implementation is difficult. What do we do with users who we don't know how old they are and who don't want to say their age, or who lie about their age?
I have to know. Which thread would she put them???